Monday, June 09, 2014

The Las Vegas Shooting. Its just not adding up.

I've been getting hit with news of the Las Vegas shooting and it looks real bad.

To be simply eating lunch and to be ambushed is horrible.  The idea that they took the dead and dying officers weapons and ammo is telling.

But what has me shaking my head and wondering is some of the details....

*  A Gadsden flag being draped over the bodies of the officers by the assailants????
*  Literature saying that they were connected with White Supremacists???

I just don't know.  First with the flag.  That is crazy in a handbag.  Its weird.  But the incident is laced with lunacy so ok.  Maybe.  But the White Supremacists angle?  Don't buy it.  If White Supremacists had activated and gone on a shooting rampage then the body count would have been much higher.  Additionally ever Black and Hispanic person in that Walmart would have been gunned down.

I'll wait to see more on this.  I do know that militia groups should be on alert like never before.  This is the impetus that will put them on the radar of both Federal AND Local law enforcement.  I really expect a WACO type incident to hit soon.  War has been declared.  Buy your preps, ammo and spare parts NOW.  Congressmen that were on gun owners side will get wobbly once the intel reports are massaged to get them to act to restrict 2A rights.


  1. Congress doesn't understand cause and effect. Anything they do to curtail our natural rights, will just add fire to the smoldering coals... aka more stuff like this.

    Oh and considering the direction the global economy is going, this may be a blessing to them. What better way to distract the masses eh? Maybe the Democrat states will be the first to call it quits to our broken Union.

  2. The US tree has revolutionary roots.

    "... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

    1. So what's the problem?

      Most Americans, according to polls, believe the country is going in the wrong direction. Approval of Congress is down around five percent. Sixty-to percent (inflated) voted in the last presidential, twenty percent locally here in the recent primaries. What they call democracy is not working. Many US social indicators are worse than all other developed countries, police and federal agent control is becoming oppressive to many, especially minorities -- the list goes on and some people are action-oriented.

  3. and thats the point Don. those that are in power don't give it up easily. we've seen swing elections and yet those in power continue down a road that the majority disagree with.

    i can see targeted attacks at certain groups...militias and veterans in particular, in an attempt to nip the revolutionary fire in the bud. will it work? i don't think so. even worse is that we've been at the brink before and i think people forget. remember Clinton? we had Waco and more ominously for the US govt we had a tax protest and millions refused to pay it. i can see much worse happening today. a firefight that will make Waco look like a picnic and then a response from citizens that will make tax protests look like a penny tossed into a river.

    1. The militias may try to instigate a government attack because it would prove their point and serve their purposes. Bring it on! they say. The government knows this. Waco was a PR disaster for the gov't. , which is why they pulled back at Bundy. Meanwhile the militias will have to count on people at the fringe for inspiration looking for a grander opportunity (Concord Bridge-Lexington type). It was the same in 1776, nothing's changed in human development.

  4. Gleiwitz scenario played by Highly motivated members of the anti gun establishment, yes they are will ing to kill and die to ban guns.
    No it's not sane, or logical or morally right BUT it is a playbook of the left.
    Never let a crisis go to waste even if they have to create a crisis.
    White supremacist would not use a tea party flag they would use the Stars and Bars or a NAZI flag.
    I recall posters on the internet saying the Tea Party is a terrorist group and should be hunted to extinction even though the Tea Party never does show any terrorist tendencies.
    One day this crap is going to blow up in the progressives face and I bet they won't like what comes after.

    1. damn it Zebra you nailed it!!!! White Supremacists would have used the confederate or nazi flag in this attack. not the Gadsden flag!!!!

      wow. thats the place where this theory falls apart. the killings are obviously real, the information we're being fed though is suspect.

  5. The neo-nazi angle doesnt jive with the militia angle, neither group has indicated that assaulting law enforcement is a practical way to achieve their goals.

  6. The authorities have to spin it.
    Notice that one label these two don't get, I don't see it in any of the headlines, is "terrorist."
    So I can imagine (I haven't seen any photos) that it's because the perps are white-skinned, non-"foreign", non-Muslim.

    Second point. There's no need to categorize these people. It's always a US tendency to classify individuals (good word). What do you do? Where do you live? What's your religion? Which party do you belong to? etc etc People ARE individuals. We're all different, thankfully, probably different on every issue, and speaking for myself -- don't put me in a box and label me. (I can't even label myself.)

    The gov't will try to classify them simply to indicate there's no general problem here, it only happened because they were ______ .

  7. This seems like an act committed by two nut jobs and nothing more. Neo-nazi / tea party combination makes no sense, but they were crazy. Just woke up so just heard they were at the Bundy ranch so now that is getting thrown into the mix, but it was reported they were annoying while there.

    Zebra, I don't know if I can go for them being nut job anti gun nuts doing this to further the cause, but it is known that anti gun money is behind the open carry groups that make me want to beat my head into a wall so it could be possible.

    Bottom line is three innocent people died because of these two nut jobs. I'm glad the number wasn't higher. Also I would like to learn more about the confrontation between the CCW guy and the two killers.

    1. yep. the issue between the CCW guy and the assailants is going to be a huge lesson learned. but not even being there i can guess what happened. CCW guy sees one assailant, hasn't taken the time to fully assess the situation and can't control the tunnel vision he experiences. because of this he attempts to engage one suspect and doesn't even notice the other one that promptly shoots him in the back or the head and in doing so adds him to the body count.

      i've always said that the sheep dog concept is STUPID. Nutnfancy pushes it but its asking for trouble. a CCW holder is responsible for protecting himself and his family. anything outside of that introduces too many variables. what if there was an undercover cop in the Walmart? what if instead of gunning down the bad guys he guns down a cop doing his job?

      CCW holders have to understand that they are extremely limited in their visibility. chivalry is fine when holding doors but with a weapon it becomes twisted with all kinds of variables.

  8. You and your family come first and be a good witness. If the reports are right and they shot up in the air and told everyone to get out then there is no push for confrontation. If they were shooting people then that would be a push to confront them. Maybe their hope was to barricade in the Walmart and have the police set up outside. Then they become breaking news and are on TV until they shoot themselves, but it doesn't seem like their plan worked if that was what they wanted.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. “Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. announced the creation of a task force within the Justice Department to combat an ‘escalating danger’ from ‘homegrown’ terrorists within the United States,” reported last week.

      "Horrific terror incidents like the tragic shootings at Fort Hood and last year’s Boston Marathon bombing demonstrate the danger we face from these homegrown threats,” Holder said in the video posted on the department’s website.

      Just in time...

  10. Honestly the right needs to take a chill pill and relax. Just like crazy liberals thought Bush was going to declare marshal law when a 3rd ID Brigade was put under Northcom. In the 60s it was the left's crazy rhetoric that led to bloodshed, today it's the right's. Extreme rhetoric is going to inspire crazy people to do crazy things. Everyone just needs to relax. Obamacare isn't any different than what individual states have been doing for decades (even in the south), Cliven Bundy is just a tax cheat, Harry Reid is an idiot, and Obama will be out of the White House in 2 years, you'll be fine. Remember it was Washington who faced the first Waco crisis by personally leading the Army to put down those who didn't want pay a tax (whiskey rebellion), and he's worshipped as the founder of American democracy.

    Best way to fix the country is to pass an Amendment banning money from politics via constitutional convention (therefore bypassing the Federal Government entirely).


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