Note: This is one of my punch the walls subjects. Why HQMC is so enthused about producing videos of Marines acting an ass is beyond me, but it reached STUPID levels and was never condemned by the Commandant.
Let me take you through a trip down memory lane....
Yeah. In this vid at Camp Leatherneck you see Marines lip syncing to the song "Call Me Maybe". This was July 2012.
Two months later...while I'm still punching walls and people are telling me that I'm old skool, terrorist attack ... killing the Squadron Commander and a Sgt. via CNN...
Meanwhile, only a month later what do we see....
Terrorists are on the march in Iraq.
My Senior Drill Instructor once told me after a surprise inspection that you can't get have to be all times.
The Commandant is calling for a re-awaking? How about a simple return to the basics. Nothing fancy, nothing silly, nothing that will require additional funding. Simply get back to the job of doing the Marine thing instead of appealing to people (and I'm assuming that these videos are designed to reach this "new" generation) that probably don't pack the gear to be in my Marine Corps.
Let me take you through a trip down memory lane....
Yeah. In this vid at Camp Leatherneck you see Marines lip syncing to the song "Call Me Maybe". This was July 2012.
Two months later...while I'm still punching walls and people are telling me that I'm old skool, terrorist attack ... killing the Squadron Commander and a Sgt. via CNN...
(CNN) -- A band of insurgents dressed in U.S. Army uniforms waged a deadly assault on U.S.-British military complex in Afghanistan before being beaten back by coalition forces, NATO's International Security Assistance Force said Saturday.I don't care why the Taliban claimed they attacked. The issue is simple. The Marines were playing instead of securing there base. Fast forward to May 2014. What do we see on national news? Marines lip syncing again...
Two U.S. Marines and 14 insurgents died in the "sustained" fighting during the Friday-night attack, ISAF said. The Taliban claimed responsibility, saying the strike was in response to the anti-Islam film stoking anger across the Muslim world.
Meanwhile, only a month later what do we see....
Terrorists are on the march in Iraq.
My Senior Drill Instructor once told me after a surprise inspection that you can't get have to be all times.
The Commandant is calling for a re-awaking? How about a simple return to the basics. Nothing fancy, nothing silly, nothing that will require additional funding. Simply get back to the job of doing the Marine thing instead of appealing to people (and I'm assuming that these videos are designed to reach this "new" generation) that probably don't pack the gear to be in my Marine Corps.