Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The US Army needs to coral its LtCol's. Are they all fucking lunatics????

Thanks for the link Dustin!

It seems LtCol Bateman has another article up in Esquire talking about gun control.  Ok.  Fair enough, he's entitled to his opinion.

But take the time to read the comments after you read his snide, condescending article...I'll give you a tidbit...
Brian C. EnglundWhat the heck did I just read?? Hey sir, what's the ASI for "keyboard commando"? Slap it on there next to powerpoint ranger--quick, before your terminal leave ends. Before you go attempting to cloak yourself in the colors of your country and the Army with this polemic, leave the rest of us 11A5S (and everyone else) out of your ridiculous, uninformed bravado. In fact, take your rank and military status out of it, because they do little to advance or support any argument. There is an argument here, rather than a double jack and coke...right?
Ok.  Brian nails my point of view on this issue, but what has me wanting to punch walls AND Bateman is his response....
 Robert BatemanBrian, you claim friendship with both Nathan and Crispin? I'll pass on your critique. But perhaps you should consider that I have been an infantryman for significantly longer than you. By the way, Brian. I don't use my rank. Esquire adds that over my objection. Something to do with journalism ethics. And which part was uninformed.
And since we're mentioning it, what part of Article 89 do you not understand, because I am not on terminal leave. So I'll contact you chain of command, shall I? There is no "RET" beside my name. You might want to research the UCMJ, while I research more mass killings. And Brian, never miss the chance to STFU.

This son of a bitch just hid behind his rank because he got pushback on his article.

Someone in Bateman's chain needs to take this wanna be Rambo to a dimly lit office and give him some wall to wall counseling, followed by personal instruction in Marine Corps Martial Arts...with a full demonstration of all punches, kicks and throws.....

Bateman is giving Army LtCol's a bad name.  If he's an example then they're all fucking lunatics! 


  1. All this friendly banter about guns on, off all the places.....Esquire....a magazine known for its impeccable coverage on a topic that is literally Deadly Serious. If my perception is correct, that magazine is all about increasing consumption of iPads and the sort. And they found a person willing to write a short article which would lead to a disproportionate number of comments and shares and eyeballs on the iPad selling magazine.

    1. Its like the liberals are trying to get as much advert/internet publicity time as the NRA sponcered adverts including that Sig Saur ad that even you also posted Sol. Though i am surprised that a serving officer was allowed to use such tone and language in a public piece. We are supposed to maintain an unbiases and non-political viewpoint at all times. AT ALL TIMES. Otherwise General Sisi and Musharaff is what becomes of our top leadership.

    2. I just googled his picture, kinda old to be just an LtCol ain't he?
      I can't see him prying anything from anybodies cold dead hands as he said he would do to gun owners.
      A real hero this clown is, single handily gonna destroy the 2d, 4th, 5th amendments for us dumb American gun owners.
      I bet he faps off to dreams of being the United States Gestapo leader.

    3. this is the kind of bastard that likes to hang around real guys and offer to provide services when they're good and drunk. he deserves a punch in the face and i can smell the pussy coming off him.

      pry a weapon? not bloody likely, the only thing that will be done when this idiot steps in the room is to decide who's going to clean the brains from the wall.

      he doesn't have the necessary equipment to fap to anything.

  2. I was reading all of the comments, and WOW, I can not believe the lack of bearing displayed by this officer, this "leader" of men. My LCpl's had more discipline than this solider, who is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the officer corps in our nations military. This leader of men doesn't have the wit to fire back at his dejectors and meet their objections. all he can muster (hah army term) are threats of the UCMJ and claim he is being disrespected. Hiding behind his rank, that is awesome. Does he understand that Esquire is just using him to sell more magazines a side of the conversation that is guaranteed to generate buzz on both sides of the aisle. This is like an antisemitic magazine finding one person of Jewish decent and having him pen an article about why he hates Jews, and then using that article to justify their argument about why Jews are evil (which they are not, btw). Did you see how he told the other retired LtCol to STFU? Holy crap, talk about UCMJ, that is conduct unbecoming an officer is it not? I am so looking forward to hearing about this guy getting shit stomped. I volunteer, I would love to be the 38 year old Corporal that stomped a hole in LtCol's ass for being a douche!

  3. Agree completely Sarabvir.

    The LtCol doesn't understand he is the reason we have a Second Amendment in the first place. A senior military officer demanding citizen disarmament, who then abuses his power to silence anyone who merely DISAGREES with him. Giving such men a monopoly on violence would lead to what kind of future?

    Yes, that is the kind of tyranny our Founders warned against and gave us the tools to fight.

    I hope the LtCol keeps running his mouth. He is fulfilling history.

    1. Its over aggresive people like him that force armies all over the world to have Public Relations Officers. And even they are full of shit most of the times.

  4. Well they say that ever since the Garden of Eden, we've always covered our pricks with leaves.....
    But seriously, this fuck stick has been doing this for months, with his rank in every article. You aren't supposed to do this stupid political shit with your uniform and now it looks like we have conduct unbecoming too. Shit head needs to be chaptered.

    1. He has more comedy piecesooops.....articles ?.....I wouldnt mind reading 1 or 2 if you can provide the links. If theres one thing i like better than a person making sense, is a person talking gibberish.

    2. Jockey.......the next best thing to.........covering your pricks with leaves??

  5. For your viewing pleasure:, his LinkedIn page. That is a lot of desk work for a "warrior" of his stature...

  6. There is a reason LTC Bateman is not COL Bateman.

    1. Ouch, AM....thats below the belt....using Rank to convey a message/insult. One should not stoop to his level. Anyway, on to much much more serious stuff...........Whats your take on that recent Iraq fiasco ?
      Heck, whats everyones take on the fall of a major Iraqi City?
      Maybe Bateman needs to re-deploy to Iraq.

  7. Some of them Army boys are just chompin' at the bit to kill American citizens and take their freedom away, I bet there are a lot of Citizens who are just chompin at the bit to ram some fairy berets up some Army ass too.
    Come and take it Storm trooper.

  8. LtCol Bateman, the future NKVD Kommandant.

  9. This tool Bateman ALWAYS does this kind of bullshit in Esquire. This is his third or fourth article. he doesn't want to debate, he just wants to look cool for all the Leftist cunts that hang out there. I tried calling him on his fuckery (hiding behind his rank, threatening UCMJ, etc.), but now I just laugh at him, mock him and call him a bitch and a fat-ass. If you see Sam William John in the comments, give me a "like".


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