Sunday, June 29, 2014

The World is Burning News. Christians attacked in Africa.

~ “A Templar Knight is truly a fearless knight, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armour of faith, just as his body is protected by the armour of steel. He is thus doubly armed, and need fear neither demons nor men.” ~ Bernard de Clairvaux, c. 1135,

via CNN
Kano, Nigeria (CNN) -- At least 30 people were killed Sunday in raids by suspected Boko Haram Islamists on four Christian villages in the northeastern Nigerian state of Borno, residents and a priest said.
Gunmen on motorcycles stormed the villages of Kwada, Ngurojina, Karagau and Kautikari, opening fire on residents and hurling explosives into homes and churches. The villages are near Chibok, scene of the April 14 abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls,
Barnabas Tanko, a member of a local vigilante group in Kwada, 10 kilometers (6 miles) from Chibok, said the gunmen, believed to be Boko Haram insurgents, attacked the village around 8:00 a.m.
Witnesses say the gunmen pursued fleeing residents into the bush and shot them dead.
In Kwada, the entire village, including its five churches, was burned by the marauding gunmen.
The State Dept has made persecution of gays and lesbians a top priority but is ignoring the fact that Christians are being systematically exterminated in Nigeria.

Perhaps we need Xe to reform as the New Knights Templar and cut them loose in Africa?


  1. Teutonic and Hospitaller Knights orders still exist.

    But it's really mater what religious group are killed? If they were Buddhist it would be less tragic? C'mon Sol, it's not nothing new that different religious groups exterminate each other because there God say so.

    1. i admit that its nothing new, however we're attempting to deal with barbarity in a modern way. thats insanity! the only thing these people will understand is bombing them back to the era in which they believe they live. it would be quick, relatively bloodless and would stop the problem in its tracks. barring that i say stop playing by the queen's rules and take these fucks out. we capture terrorists we hang them in the field. they kill one of our Soldiers or Marines and we take out the entire village.

      if nothing else it would solve a population problem.

    2. War as natural population problem solver. That's also a very classic phenomenon. I agree that political correctness and those every human rights, minority rights, rights of rights and freedom rights are archive almost level of being satire. Because the human life i sacred and we can't act like them... we need to be kind for them and give them more money to help them.

      All this is a Bullshit.

      This is more then bullshit, that a cowardly and weak attitude. If they don't fear you they will kill you... if they are fanatics that don't fell fear, you put them as rabid dogs. I don't support that entire village part but definitely a rope for every one of them.

      Hunter-Killer group, move around the world and bring the death to those fuckers no mater where they go. Kill them in most efficient way but also in the most terrifying for a religion. Someone told me that if Muslim eat pork or even touch it it will be unclean and can't enter a heaven... then hang them on a fraking leather rope from pork skin and before that force in to him some good pork steak.

    3. Leftovers from Libya this time.

      You don't support barbarians and then expect them to just go away once you stop paying them. They continue roaming, looking for victims.

    4. In order for a Muslim to be defiled by pork or any other unclean flesh he has to eat it voluntarily. Having it forced on him doesn't count.
      Lots of keyboard kommandos on this site.

    5. no keyboard commandos you son of a bitch. just talking about issues that appear to be unsolvable due to restrictions that the west has placed on itself.

      personally i don't give a rats ass about the Muslim religion. i don't care about any religion other than my own and there wouldn't be talk of "defiling" them in any way if they weren't publishing their atrocities on YouTube.

      once again an arrogant fuck shows up attempting to illustrate his brilliance but instead shows his utter stupidity.

      suck a dick dude. you're not welcome here.

    6. also notice everyone that Joe Muzzlehatch didn't even bother to comment about Muslim Terrorists attacking Christians which is the foundation of this story.

      he simply wants to pester those that are tired of seeing these events occur and want to put a stop to them.

      typical thinking of the left.

    7. Voluntary eating? That's not the problem... we just smuggle some in this or that meal and done. You need to frak them up not only in psychical way but also in spiritual way. Break them, not only kill them but break them.

  2. A religion that needs to convert ohers by force doesn't have any force by itself. Today Africa is the place on earh where Christianity is growing exponentially, and the Muslims are acting as usual, trying to stop this by force but as ussual too, where Christian blood is spill you only create saints and martires that make Christianity even stronger.
    I don't suggest not to stop their evilness by force but what the fear the most is education and freedom. Malala is the best example of this, they try to kill here and know she has just started a revolution among Muslim women in favor of education.

    1. i agree with the theory but the actual reality is extremely stark.

      people are dying, they aren't being defended and sexual practices/identity is considered more important than religious freedom.

    2. Muslim also get martyrs so you had that crazy circle of life. Not to many religious groups had NOT convert other by force, Christians also got long history of converting with fire and sword. That's not the excuse for anything but in most cases religion bring more bad things then good.

      Christians are one of the main religion in the globe but also one that lost much of it's influence over past decades and is in decline. Islam in all mods, one very peaceful other crazy brutal and warrior like are getting a lot of power.

      I'm interest in religion only in historic aspect, I'm rather a nonbeliver in case o religions, not an atheist but just I chose to not be part of any. I was born in to catholic religion (like the new born child I had any other choice :P ) but I chose to leave it. I don't discriminate any type of religion even when I think it's only a creation of human, you want to believe in Allah or Flying Spaghetti Monster... I don't have problem with that. But when you start to act like rabid dog and do thing like those motherfuckers I will fraking kill you without remorse, no mater of what religion you are.

  3. Solomon:

    With all respect I have for you, I'll tell you:

    You are a stubborn, does not see that shit is grabbing everywhere and it seems an ostrich sticking his head in the ground.

    I sent you email with the link of the Saker for you to see how things are going in Ukraine.

    The tanks seized, grabbing the whole thing, pure shit smelling cordite.

    Just do not call him a moron because I highly respect.



  4. The true enemy here is political correctness. Political correctness is biased against Christianity. Muslims kill Christians every single day pretty much. In fact, it's written in Sharia Law, which is the law that radical Islamic terrorists want to impose on all of planet earth, converting from Islam to Christianity or any other religion is punishable by death. Muslims won't talk about it or say it up front, but Sharia Law is really what a majority of Islamic movements are all about. Some try to impose it on others through the legal process and others through violence, but they reach for the same goal.

    They are actually getting some success in Britain. Some elements of Sharia Law were recently added into the U.K. legal system to please Muslim immigrants pushing to have it added through legal means. The lawmakers in Britain are slowly becoming politically correct pussies.

    1. The mass of moderates provide a permissive environment for the radicals. The more mass the more radicals. But not in direct ratio, it will mean as more will feel safer. And the less inclined the moderate to check the radical. Do you find many vegetarians in a community of hunters or vice versa. Look at Nazi Germany. A small group of committed fanatics will always best a larger politically inert or divided group.

  5. This is what I was talking about

  6. "Perhaps we need Xe to reform as the New Knights Templar and cut them loose in Africa?"

    This is the best suggestion ever made on this site - unfortunately obama is on the side of his muslim anti-white anti-christian brothers.

    1. Pardon my ignorance, but... What is "Xe"?

    2. George. you're getting close to the line with that comment.

      Andre. Xe or Academi now is the legacy of Blackwater, an outfit that was made up of military contractors that did work that the US military was unable or unwilling to do. they were cowboys or patriots depending on your viewpoint but they were lavishly equipped and made a metric boatload of money before they folded.

    3. Didn't know they had this name, thanks Sol

  7. Sol saw this and thought of you........

  8. That's really scary. They want to dominate even Portugal and Spain.

    1. If you mention an Islamic Turkey here you get accused of being a bit of a nutter. Not hard to imagine though a the 500,000 man Turkish army bank rolled by the Gulf, throw in their tech', and Pakistan's bomb and you have the makings of a disaster. Look at Afghanistan and Iraq and imagine having to take on and control a territory what 20 times the size? Europe's military is a joke and its native populous virtually unarmed. We might have to ask that nice Mr Puin for some help.


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