Friday, June 20, 2014

US Order of Battle in Iraq (so far).

All eyes are on Iraq so I decided that now is as good a time as any to do a quick and dirty "order of battle" for US forces.  Note that we aren't including European forces which I find strange.  It appears that they've completely washed their hands of this wretched country.

300 Green Berets (US Army Special Forces)
Forgive me but first a pet peeve.  I've been listening to news reports that are saying US Special Forces are going into Iraq as advisors and that they are not combat troops.  ARE YOU SHITTING ME!  Additionally they seem to not realize that Special Forces is not a catch all for Special Operations.  But back to the task at hand.  These guys will be in the sand.  They will be calling for fire.  They will be leading Iraqi units.  They will be in combat.

USMC Fleet Anti-Terrorist Security Teams (FAST Co.)
FAST Company is on deck at the embassy and this is their bread and butter.  From news reports it appears that only one platoon (reinforced) has been deployed but I imagine we will  be seeing alot more of these boys headed that way.  The embassy is huge.  If fighting gets closer they will need more boots on the ground.

George HW Bush Aircraft Carrier.
Trouble hit and what was the first thing the combatant commander called for?  An aircraft carrier.  Quite honestly I don't know if its just the hubris of realizing that you can tell 5000 plus sailors to turn around and head your way or if they'll actually launch against ISIS, but the firepower is there  if needed.

USS Mesa Verde.
I don't quite get this one.  Why break up the MEU with an incident this large going on?  I get that they want to play with distributed operations from the sea but to think that an LPD will be able to handle an evacuation of the embassy along with a carrier is stupid.  Real stupid.

I'm sure there are other moves happening that I/we don't have visibility on.  The curious thing is that this seems extremely disjointed.  Poorly planned.  Haphazard.  I CAN'T SEE THE PLAN IN THESE MOVES.

Its almost like some huge show of force but with the problem of the forces being so misaligned that they actually can't do their jobs properly if called on.  Yes.  I know I'm playing arm chair commander but most of this doesn't actually make sense.  We'll see if it clears up over the next few days but so far I'm unimpressed.


  1. The Australian government announced today that 100 Australian soldiers will head that way for embassy protection

    1. good to know. i wonder why the western powers don't consolidate inside the American compound for mutual protection?

    2. It was clear when the AUS PM was in Washington recently that some soldiers were going to be sent.

  2. Solomon, maybe the US does not want to evacuate the embassy yet. Maybe thats the reason for the lack of ships and airlift capable of doing so. But i am most definatly interested in knowing how those US green Berets will be utilized. Obviously, you dont send in Green Berets to repair and maintain equipment. Nor do you send them in to train/retrain an indegeneous army on such short notice. They are there to fight, but fight how ?

  3. Europe are tired of Middle East Sol, any type of ideas that they would send AGAIN troops on the sands of that bloody hell hole is just a political suicide for every type of government in old continent. With Russia acting like lunatic bully, rise of radical movements in EU and overall shit hit the fan the idea of sending troops aboard is dead in shoes.

    To many internal problems and external problems in Europe to get another one in Iraq. I'm afraid that Europe will not help US in that mater.

  4. So as a Marine my knowledge of Army uniforms is very limited, but i have a questions on the Sgt (staff, First Class, Master or Major) pictured above, what is the deal with his CIB? Respect to the hard-charger, but I have never seen this version worn, is this similar to officers only wearing a single row of their most senior of medals?

    1. dude i just don't know. i've seen them with wreaths, i've even seen one with two stars and a wreath (crusty old son of a bitch) but the plain one on someone this senior is something i've never seen. i don't get it....i'm hoping someone can fill in the blank.....oh wait. i remember. they can take a test and win one. wow. thats kinda embarrassing. i should have known that off the bat.

      the US Army needs to fix that. you can't have an expert, skill based badge that is also part of a combat award. thats just plain fucked up.

    2. I think the stars are for additional awards like on our CAR's. Who knows, he is Army, maybe he is just out of uniform...take care

    3. Its a EIB. Expert Infantry Badge. (warning PDF)

      The ones with the wreath are Combat Infantry Badges, which are similar to marine combat action ribbons, except they are infantry/special forces MOS only and are worn with the ACU (rather than *just* the dress uniform). Different theatres also have their own specific requirements for being awarded one (iraq was receiving or "giving" ((heh)) fire. S Korea is different).

      Combat badges have precedence. I earned both (technically three, since my CIB is a 2nd award). I can attest that EIB is no gimme.

  5. Things are getting weird in Iraq. This ISIS gang became the richest terrorist faction in all over the world after looting the Mosul Bank. (Nevermind the other cities and other banks in Northern Iraq).

    Here is the problem, With such a huge amount of money this gang may become a trouble magnet in next a few months. They may buy the support of Iraqi sunni tribes and buy more men to reinforce their ranks.

    Yes will do their best to consolidate their power in the region. Well done guys, Well done King Saud, well done Maliki. Now we will be have to deal with a a group banned by ''Al Qaeda'' for being too vicious. From Syrian mediterranean coast to Iran Border, Southern east flank of Nato is under the control of ISIS.

  6. Are there Marines aboard the Bush?
    Not just orderlies and such but security teams Marine Detachments?
    Is there a FAST team aboard?
    Is this a fully armed death star?


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