Friday, June 13, 2014

Watch these ISIS terrorist play with a beheaded victim (NSFW)

Reports indicate that over 2000 people were summarily executed when the ISIS took over Mosul. How many of those were Iraqi soldiers, civilians or children is unknown.

NOTE:  For those that will complain I simply say this.  This is reality.  Don't look away, don't be afraid, just drink it in and know your enemy.  This is why I have no sympathy.  They won't have any for us.


  1. Can simply just Bomb them back to the stone ages

  2. NICKY: Bubba in their case we would have to bomb them up to the stone ages.

  3. Nancy Pelosi thinks these guys are heroes, Bill Maher does too and they wish us to bring them into this country by the thousands, our POTUS was raised as one and John McCain says they are freedom fighters.
    The world considers America worse than these and many in this nation honestly can attempt to compare Islam with Christianity and state flat out there is no difference between Christian and Muslim.
    Yet here they are, playing like children of satan with some man's severed head like it was a toy.
    I'm sorry, I hate them, I hate their creed, their religion and their entire culture.
    If that makes me an Islamophobe so be it a bad man they would say, well all I got to say is this, I may be a real bad boy BUT it's not me playing with a dead man's head.

    1. ya know what causes me to laugh out loud? the fact that the very people that defend these murderous scum the most would be the very first Americans they would kill if they had a chance!

    2. Oh no doubt. But do we blame the rabid dogs for the problem, or the guys on our own 'side' that armed them and set them loose?

  4. One thing is clear. US is Complicity of the situation in Iraq.

    1. you see this type of barbarity and the only thing you have to say is that the US is complicit?


      dude. i've banned people for less. explain yourself.

    2. I think he's barking up the: "we deposed that nice man who brought a better standard of living to the Iraqi people and in doing so lowered the standard of living and becuse everyone knows terrorism is just part of the Innate class struggle caused by the disparity in wealth American is responsible for all terrorism and Islamic extremism in Iraq.

    3. he better hope thats not his reasoning. i've moved beyond thinking the US doesn't do bad things. but i won't accept being blamed for the inability of people to simply act like they have morals. thats 100% pure barbarity you see in the video. i wish i could say that i was surprised. Samuel!, i think you're right in his reasoning but i hope you're wrong.


      If you think that is bad, here is a short take on Nand Singh. Thats the kind of barbarianism we have to deal with on a regular basis right on our doorstep.

    5. Not a new name to me Uncle; he was a solder's solder.

    6. The answer is simple. We bombed the (relatively) civilized people, and armed the barbarians. Then, for some reason, we expected the barbarians to act civilized and stick to our plan instead of their own whims.

  5. The truth is that civilization and civil society is not a natural state. It has to be grown and nurtured. It has its rules that all have to agree to and abide by. You must raise your children steeped in it, and it has to be constantly monitored.

    Almost all great civilizations were felled from within by moral rot. I'm not talking religious morals per se, but a disregard for even the simplest rules of civil behavior.

    Anyone, I mean anyone, that tries to equate this type of barbarity with any US action can go fuck themselves. Yes, we have at times gone a bit off the rails but we always condemn such behavior and hold those that are responsible accountable for their actions. Even in the heat of war, there are some things beyond the pale.

    The fact that these "men" can act so callously toward a fellow human being whose only crime was to be on the losing side says volumes about their "civilization." It is clear that it is going to be years before this all washes out and the further away from it we can stay the better. We tried, we failed. It s their game now. Hopefully it will occupy their sordid attentions away from the western world for awhile.

    1. If you reward civilized behavior, you get more civilization. If you reward barbarism, you get more barbarians. Anyone who has ever trained a dog or raised a kid knows this.

      The USGov (not the US people in general) destroyed Libya and transferred every weapon they could find to these barbarians in Syria. That's what Bengazi was all about.

      Now... Oops! The barbarians didn't stay in Syria. Assad was too strong (civilized), so they found a weaker nation to plunder.

      They would have just been fringe extremists without power in their society. Except that someone else (guess who?) came in and destroyed all of the functional parts of their civilization. Now it's Mad-Max time, and these pieces of filth will be in charge once the dust settles.

      That situation is very much our fault. Or do you think Saddam would have put up with 800 guys in pick-up trucks running amok in his country?

  6. It is them and us. And those of "us2 championing the virtues of "them" would probably be first up against the wall if "them" win. Our greatest virtue may be our civilisation, but it is also our weakness. That is why we have militaries for when we have to resort to behaviours outside our norms. It is a false argument to say the military must reflect the people. It cannot. It must be a discrete entity that must be allowed to go about its business unhindered by civilian niceties.

    1. Note to self: You must start reading comments from the top down.


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