Friday, July 04, 2014

Border Patrol Agent speaks out. This is getting beyond real.

My personal belief.

I think that this was a planned "crisis" that is totally backfiring.  I also believe that the White House thought that they could manage it in such a way as to make passage of a "comprehensive" immigration bill a reality during August.

This thing has spun out of control and passage of any bill isn't going to happen.

Add another log to the fire.  The American people are pissed and this isn't going to help.  


  1. Wonderful... the immigration laws in US are just wonderful. The US citizens are start to be piss of about influx of illegal emigrants and how Federal gov. threat them like saint cow... in other hand the "greatest friend and ally" of US, Poland still after more then two decades need to apply for visitors visa. Fraking awesome.

  2. I'm surprised they let him talk, because he obviously wasn't following the same script that the announcers were.

  3. One day the Mexicans are going to figure out that all they need to do is turn up at a boarding crossing in thousands and walk across.

  4. A perfect example of what happens when a group of incompetent ass holes plan something evil against their misguided views of the man.
    The Man being the United States and everything it stands for, warts and all.
    Unknowingly failing to understand that they are the virus, the infection and it's their evil plans that cause the misery not the "Man" and being incompetent and more than a little insane these clowns keep doing the same thing over, and over again and failing yet doing the same again expecting one day it will work as planned.
    They have planned for the downfall of the United states which they hate, yet the downfall is building for them.
    "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, the bell tolls for thee" Dorn.

    1. i've been waiting for someone to say that i was crazy for thinking that this was planned but it hasn't happened yet. just watching these guys twist and turn...change the story for the 'crisis' and the weak response to it tells me all i need to know. they wanted this. they thought they would get the american people all soft hearted but everyone knows the deal! even Mexican Americans aren't solidly behind this.

      you're right. they're cruising for a serious bruising.

      oh and one other thing. i've seen posts that says that our forefathers would have been shooting already and after watching a documentary on the revolutionary war they're right.

      a war started over a tax that the colonists thought was unfair! what would they do if they saw all this!

  5. This seem right out of a liberal play book. Gotta help the children. We need to give the meth head money so he/she can feed their child. of course you go to any independent run convenience store and the exchange rate for food stamps is about $0.50 on the dollar for cash.

    1. so thats real? i've heard that but didn't know it was real.

    2. Yes, we run into it all the time. They will tell us, because they know if you pass the info along to the feds no one will care. Also the people I deal with that are on disability normally go for the bipolar diagnosis. There is a script they memorize to tell the doctor to get them qualified to not work due to being bipolar.

  6. I think it makes perfect sense...all these illegal mexican and south american "immigrants" are all potential voters......more specifically democrat voters.
    If they ,in conjunction with the other liberals , can reach critical mass, ie overwhelming majority, they can keep the republicans out of the white house for good....effectively turning the US into a de facto one party system.

    1. The thing is, these Latino's will vote how they please. Some may vote democrat others may vote republican they may just see who is leading who by the nose and expecting a willing ethnic voter for the democrat cause.
      It could be these folks seeing how screwed up their countries are and knowing how they became such shat holes with the socialist and the kleptomaniac may just fool everyone and vote for the American way of constitution and letter of the law.
      How many people will climb out of a cesspool and make their new home the same kind of cesspool?
      Some will for sure but all?
      I don't think so, the democrats may be expecting socialist voters when what they get will be regular new American's who vote their socialist asses right out of power.
      One can hope at least.

  7. It's managed all right, but here's my hypothesis:

    Barry is letting all these children in because he knows damn well that the RepubliCants won't to a damned thing to stop it, lest it be said that the RepubliCants "Hate Children!" And once the kids are all here (and nobody has done shit about it!), the rest of their families aren't far behind, because who's going to take care of them? The Government can't keep taking care of all these kids!!

    100% calculated by the DemocRat Machine!

    1. Not just that, but a hard response may set of the Latino population into a reprisal.
      Machete anyone?


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