Thursday, July 10, 2014

Breaking! CIA Station Chief kicked out of Germany.

More to come.  This non-issue (according to many of my readers) is turning into a diplomatic nightmare.

Add another problem to the current administrations plate.

This is the summer of misery for the Obama administration....


  1. Call me a paranoid... but first some unknown hit the relation between US and Poland. Now something that should stay in shadow hit the media in Germany and again it's relation with US. Like someone try to create the chaos and mistrust. Too many coincidences in short time that generally had the same target.

    Maybe I'm a paranoid but... I don't know, something smells funny and I don't like it.

    1. i really get tired of beating up on this administration. its not fun, its gotten old and they don't seem to be trying to improve.

      having said that i just think they're incompetent, and they've surrounded themselves with incompetents.

      also, do you remember when the president first took office and he didn't want to give up his blackberry? i get the idea that security, or rather secure communications are considered too bothersome to worry with.

      between this and snowden leaks things are bad though.

    2. It could be because the US, by default, holds back the kissing and hugging between bigger European powers with rusia...

      even so, i don't like at all the present german-russian friendship...
      Merkel said some pretty dumb/suspicious things lately

    3. I think Shas is saying that perhaps someone other than Germany or the US is involved in these recent issues.

      The first Kraut that was arrested for doing NSA work was caught offering his services to the Russians (via email no less) as well. Perhaps the Russians just laid out some bread crumbs for the BND to happen upon, purely 'coincidental' of course (NOT), and let the fallout pollute everything in its wake.

      Considering the Ukraine issue and the roughshod diplomacy cobbled together to sanction Russia, this wouldn't be surprising and it wouldn't have any solid Russian fingerprints on it.

      Still, I'm fairly confident that if the NSA was collecting info on allies, it didn't begin solely with this Administration. I don't think a GOP or Dem admin would have any qualms about doing it.

      And really, SIGINT/ELINT collection program like Echelon have been going on for decades. There isn't a global communication relay that doesn't have the US/UK/Canada/Australia/NZ trying to listen in and especially monitoring the Krauts. I bet it goes back to the Brandt chancellorship considering his Ostpolitik and how it created a big flap within NATO.

      NATO: Keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down. This was the unofficial motto for decades. The last thing any American admin wants is a Germany that falls into orbit with the Russians, economically, politically, militarily, etc.

    4. Exactly what Paralus said. Again, maybe I'm paranoid but something in my guts say that this is the scenario that Paralus write in action.

      It's like calm before the storm... I don't like it.

    5. @Paralus
      The first German was caught due to his greed. He first sold his data to the US and then tried the same with Russia. His problem was contacts with Russian embassy is far better controlled then contact with US personal.

      How should Germany orbit around Russia?
      Just look at the facts:

      Russia: 144 millions
      Germany: 81 millions
      EU: 500 millions

      Russia: $2.600 trillion
      Germany: $3.900 trillion
      EU: $16.800 trillion

    6. Russia provides 38 percent of Germany's natural gas imports, 35 percent of all oil imports and 25 percent of coal imports, covering a quarter of the country's entire energy needs. There are no suitable alternatives in sight that could cover shortfalls of this magnitude.

  2. Certainly Obama is totally unqualified to hold the position he does, but even with a qualified person as president it wouldn't change the overall calculus. The US is simply no longer available to "lead" (or control) other nations. Currently the two puppets defeated almost seventy years ago, Germany and Japan, are breaking their restraints, and there are many others.

    The US is learning the hard way that it must partner with other countries, and not act as a bully. Washington has refused to cooperate with German inquiries into United States intelligence activities, so Germany is making a statement here by dismissing the top spook. It's not the end of the world, it's just a different world.

  3. Incompetent is the wrong word. To me that word suggests somebody who is at least trying to do the job and failing. I don't think the Obama White House is trying to run the US. It has a completely different agenda of which poor administrations is just a by-product. Expect Hillary to be just the same and for it to get worse.

    1. It doesn't matter if he tries or not, he's just as incompetent either way. The man has never excelled at anything except reading speeches well and getting elected. So Incompetent is the correct word.

    2. The test of competence isn't governance but how strong is the Democrat Party's hold on the marginal voter over core support in total against Republicans. As voter apathy increase in the West the fewer activists are needed to swing a win. Would you vote for Cruz? My fear is Clinton gets in next time and rips the base out of your country. And in that instance it will be incompetence because she is stupid enough to try to solve problems or at least believe she can solve problems. If I lived in Arizona I would be buying 5.56, 9mm, 00, mags, and spares by the bucket load. I can see Americans fleeing to Canada.

    3. Your test of competence is different than mine. Democrats vs. Republicans? Tell me the difference between Coke and Pepsi; they're two peas in a pod. So of course the test of competence is the quality of the governance.

      We haven't had competence, and that explains the voter apathy you mention. Only 62% of the electorate voted in the last presidential, and that's overstated, we just don't know how much. Which fool should we vote for? A large percentage say none of the above, thank you very much. I'll stay home (I did). This so-called 'democratic" system of two look-alike parties simply hasn't worked.

      And let's not waste time on scary stories about what you may think the future holds, the past is scary enough and we do have facts to prove it.

    4. If your not interested in what the future holds why comment? Unless something major happens the two party duopoly isn't going anywhere so you have to frame the discussion within that paradigm. It is a waste of time not to do otherwise. The competence being tested is securing a powerbase not administrative capability because as you say there has been no competence there for decades.

    5. I live in the present, not in the past and certainly not in the future, about which nobody knows. Your arguments are nothing but hot, speculative air. Not worth anything. Clinton? Cruz? I couldn't care less, mainly because it would not make a whit of difference, unless one (still) believes in hope and change. hah

    6. Don is right, there ain't a bit of difference between a republican nor a democrat, both are self serving, self promoting power hungry incompetent glad handing sacks of career politician shit.
      To really make a change we will have to discard the entire toilet bowl of these turds by any means necessary, on a rail with tar and feathers, or decorating the trees across the land.
      Then start fresh with people who all serve with TERM LIMITS STRICTLY ENFORCED If a Politician goes back to glad handing lying sacks of shit he gets the boot or the bullet.
      This current crop of glad handing lying sacks of shit bot (D), (R) and (I) are the absolute worst crop of failures and arrogant bass turds this nation has ever seen.
      Black, white, Latino/Hispanic, Faux Native American and Asian, the worst, the very worst government this country ever had.
      If the American people cared or even suspected how evil and stupid these clowns are they would be assembling them to trees with ropes as we speak.
      The inmates are in charge of the asylum and the convicts in charge of the prison.
      I see no way out unless a civil insurrection is launched, these fucks don't think the law applies to them.
      DISCLAIMER: At no time does Zebra Dun wish harm on any member of the ruling class. I ain't gonna do squat, but there are folks who will.

  4. Dejavu , remeber how during the cold war soviet embassy personnel used to be expelled from host countries on the regular basis ..hmm

  5. German press "DER SPIEGEL"

    "Retaliation for Spying: Germany Asks CIA Official to Leave Country"

    "SPIEGEL Interview with Hillary Clinton: 'Surveillance on Merkel's Phone Was Absolutely Wrong'"


  6. It looks like Obama’s administration does its best – but objective circumstances are overwhelming. USA tried to ally with China, but fell. Now USA tries to ally more close with EU through showing Russia as main threat to EU (Ukrainian card plays very good) but Putin uses not only weapon-language, but he excellent uses economic general language and dialect of money in certain pockets in particular. And USA, in my humble opinion, plaid to much with taboo (religion extremism in Syria and Nazism in Ukraine).

    Excuse me, if it goes wrong, but from Russia it looks like key way for USA – to focus on both American continents, before Russia and China spread their roots there too much. USA can’t stop logistic Asia-EU through Russia and China and can’t neutralize influence of large natural resources’ reserves in Russia – to tell price and direct for global logistic and prices-making. So it looks like better to refuse global-moderator status but remain geopolitical player of high league then fall like single global player and lose everything.

  7. The German's need to start shooting the spies it catches.

  8. This administration's chickens are coming home to roost.


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