Thursday, July 03, 2014

Czech Army goes for Pandur II 8x8's for next command vehicle.

Thanks for the link Jonathan...

via Janes...
The General Staff of the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) favours the General Dynamics European Land Systems - Steyr Pandur II 8x8 armoured vehicle as the platform for a planned new command and communications vehicle, Ministry of Defence (MoD) sources have told IHS Jane's .
"The army favours the Pandur since it is already in service with the ACR and thus is viewed as the most compatible option. Furthermore, the Pandur offers the best ballistic protection and off road capabilities of all the vehicles being considered," an MoD source told IHS Jane's .
Other platforms under consideration by the ACR General Staff include the Tatra T-810 6x6 medium truck platform and the Vega 4x4 armoured vehicle made by indigenous vehicle producer SVOS Prelouc.
The Pandur II is that "other" European wheeled APC.

For some reason its never caught on but it is used by a few countries (and I read that US Army Special Forces had bought a few but I've never seen them in US service).

Its the first vehicle that I remember seeing mounting a large caliber RWS system and its amphibious.  I wonder why its not been more successful. 


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