Saturday, July 12, 2014

DHS raids small town in Illinois.

Have you heard about the DHS raid in Livingston, IL?  Check this out from Press TV...
US Homeland Security agents, backed by police SWAT teams, armored vehicles and a Black Hawk helicopter staged a bizarre unannounced show of force in front of a school in a small Illinois town, scenes which will exacerbate concerns about the increasing militarization of US law enforcement.
Residents of Livingston, Illinoise, population 850, were shocked to see agents from Homeland Security, the US Customs and Border Patrol and local police agencies swarm a field belonging to a grade school yesterday [Thursday], with one local telling news channel KTVI, “When all the armored trucks started showing up and everything it made me kind of nervous.”
One child said he thought the spectacle was “pretty cool” and that agents invited the local children to check out the choppers up close, despite the presence of weapons inside the helicopters.
The school superintendent said he was not given any information about the operation beforehand, despite authorities using school land as a staging ground. The US Attorney’s Office refused to release any information on the purpose behind the operation.
KTVI labeled the presence of the feds a “mystery,” although it subsequently emerged that the school was being used as a staging ground for a raid on a house three miles away. Authorities refused to divulge the purpose behind the raid or if anyone was taken into custody.
This news is blowing up in the dark places of the internet.

I'm guessing that this is the first of many arrests to come as a result of the clash between the militia and federal law enforcement at the Bundy Ranch.

I guess we'll know when we know.


  1. Hollee shit, they staged those two helicopters at the FBO where I work, I was wondering what they were up to with border patrol/customs birds in IL....

  2. Um, no.

    They arrested a 34 y.o. 17-year-career pedophile with enough kiddie porn on his home computers to rate 35 or so years in the pen.
    He lives in BFEgypt, S. Illinois version.
    The feds brought their raid package, and the local yokels couldn't resist trotting out their shiny new civilian MRAPs.
    An ambulance and a coordination vehicle were simply by-products of thorough raid planning, especially for a guy who lives out where the nearest neighbor is 1/2 mile away, and the nearest small town (Livingston, pop.850) is 3 miles away across the fields. St. Louis is about 40 mi. SW.

    This size of activity (not the vehicles chosen by the local taggers-along) wouldn't be considered extreme for so much as three car pile-up on the interstate, but in an area where a new waitress at the Dairy Queen is the hot topic of discussion at the barbershop, and JV football players tipping cows is a crime wave, it sparked a lot of interest.

    Barring further information, they got their man without firing a shot, slaughtering housepets, or laying waste to herds of livestock, or the Bill of Rights.

    My only beef is that the feds couldn't/didn't pull a 'copter other than from CBP, because they need those things on the south TX border, last I heard, so that was stupid. But if Gomer had been out in the back 40 when John Law came knocking, having eyes in the sky and a way to re-deposit a few officers for an arrest doesn't seem inordinately suspicious.

    There are any number of well-reported incidents where federal (and local) law enforcement have gone full retard, and deserve a good internet mocking and ritual beating.
    This was evidently not one of those.

    BTW, love the blog, found you whilst Googling for info on the new UHAV.
    Now I'm just catching up. Please keep up the great work.
    Semper fi.


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