Tuesday, July 15, 2014

F-35 News. Elements of Power Blog is back.

SMSgt Mac is back.  That's the good news.  The bad?

He is a bit more coarse than I ever can remember him.  Yeah I get on a soap box and rant, rave, spit and curse.  That's my MO.  Not so much Mac.

But in his latest he goes after David Axe with a vengeance.

Its really a shame.  I thought we had all graduated from those heady days of smack down arguments over at Aviation Week.

I guess not.

Personally, I consider this a good sign for my position of wanting the F-35 taken down to the river, held underwater till its feet stop moving and then sliced open to feed the catfish.

If Mac is reacting like this then we're definitely making headway and the supporters are feeling the heat.


  1. Axe is a Hack, Pun intended....

  2. Charging Axe with making stuff up, and not JPO/LockMart, is a gas.
    But he does make one valid point:

    "DE-VEL-OP-MENT David!
    Repeat that faster and faster until you recognize the word, and then look up what it means. The F-35 is still integrating changes that have already been identified and until development is complete, further changes may come as well. Axe also doesn’t know dip-squat about Low Observability, but we won’t let that distract us."

    And that's the reason they shouldn't be manufacturing any more faulty F-35 prototypes, not should foreign countries buy any more, until de-vel-op-ment is complete, five years from now at least. That's why the Milestone C production decision is scheduled for 2019 according to the SAR.

    1. Nor should these faulty protypes be flying 3,500 miles across the north Atlantic.

  3. The fanboys and LM shills are using the "journalists are making shit up meme" of late... There clearly was a catastrophic engine failure that destroyed a jet, but they really can't seem to wrap their heads around it. It's kind of sad.


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