Tuesday, July 22, 2014

F-35 News. Goure stumbled on the solution while trying to refute Farley.

Daniel Goure attempted to refute an article by Robert Farley (read Farley's article here) and while doing so stumbled onto the solution to the terribly overpriced, under-performing F-35.  Read the article here, but this is the answer....
The line is gone, the tooling is gone and the workforce is gone. In the current environment, the first new F-22 couldn’t come off the line for at least ten years, if ever. Might as well wait for a sixth-generation fighter to emerge.
We have the time to start the 6th gen fighter now.

We can accelerate its development, but this time do it right.  No joint program trying to take one air frame and do everything but simply share avionics...you know the Sweetman idea.

Like Farley said.  We have alternatives.  They won't be perfect solutions but it can be done.  The first thing that has to happen is that some brave soul has to have the courage to say enough is enough, and that its time to take our medicine.


  1. (Second link is broken.)

    10 years? Really? Bullshit. Just more Lockheed Martin lies and manipulation. If the money was right, you can bet they'd have production back in 1-2 years.

    This company is a cancer. Time to starve them of contracts for a while.

    1. http://www.intelligent-aerospace.com/news/2014/07/21/five-bad-alternatives-to-the-f-35-joint-strike-fighter.html

      This one works.

  2. Blasphemy!

    The E-ring never admits it was wrong.

    If we'd had the Pentagon in 1941, there'd be an Admiral Husband E. Kimmel Wing now.

    The only way to kill this thing now would be to turn the job over to Daryl from The Walking Dead.

    1. Interesting. Are you saying then that project has been "Rick" Rolled US defence procurement?

      (I had better put a disclaimer before some jack ass says something. I know the Rick is Rick Astley and not Rick from the Walking Dead. But as the whole F35 project has become "bait and switch" like being Rick Rolled and given Rick from WD uncanny ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory I thought combining the two memes would be funny. Hopefully one day only people with an IQ over 130 will be allowed to use the internet.........)

  3. At best, 4-5 years from order to roll-out.

    Even in a normal production cycle it takes 3 years. That gives them 1-2 years to create the tooling, train the workforce, and establish a new production line.

  4. Or possibly let Boeing use some of the "unibody" construction methods it demonstrated with the "Bird of Prey" aircraft.

    Listing five bad ideas isn't the same as saying "These are the five most cost effective alternatives" to the current fiasco.

  5. At least what would come out from an F-22 follow-on would be lethal with huge performance. The F-35--by virtue of its requirement document--might be able to fight Operation:ALLIED FORCE 1999..... whenever it is finished. And yet, we could do that threat today with Tomahawk Block IV and JASSM/JASSM-ER.

  6. That's B.S.
    The Super Hornet still in production and is more affordable, versatile and capabe than the actual hangar queens F-22/35 with great sensors, sat-com, data link.
    It's even stealthier than the Pakfa and with the most reliable engines of the world and can launch everything in the US Arsenal today.
    Who cares about the Chinese and Russian Crapy engines, radar and sensors when the Navy has Super Hornets and Growlers.
    Go Navy!



    1. Wow.

      I'm a fan of the Super Hornet but this borders on "I get paid a bonus if Congress buys more of them."

    2. Lucky guy, he was in an CF/A-18 and not in an" Lighting II" This happened today in Alberta

  7. Fill in the gap with the latest versions of the 15/16/18 aircraft. They can be purchased in moderate numbers to fit in with the latest defense budget spending. Meanwhile, go back to the drawing board and build something that is lethal with range.

  8. Or three somethings that perform the missions required giving due respect to each of them, instead of trying to do all things for all services.

    Share what you can, avionics, sensors, engines, whatever, but stop trying to make some bastardized compromised cross between an F15E/A-6/A-10/Aston Martin DB V/Prius/Magic-unicorn-with-frickin'-lasers-on-its-head. That was full retard the second the idea was uttered, and being repeated by a decade's worth of perfumed princes in the five-sided puzzle palace hasn't improved the IQ of the idea.

  9. Stealth airplanes have a single purpose. You can obtain similar results with low observable airplanes combined with electronic attack airplanes, but when you are trying to stop a formation od 200 tanks ad Lavs, few steath airplanes with few bombs inside won't be enough to protect your soldiers or your base against massive attacks in a conventional war. Watch what a couple of Super Hornets can do fully loaded with gas tanks for endurance, missiles for self protection and fully loaded with heavy bombs. This is not a demonstration but a real training mission, where we can appreciate the value of a high maneuverable airplane avoiding AAA or SAMs during the attack. What the highly inflammable and non maneauverable F-35 would do to protect the troops on the ground?
    Its a long video but it's worth it to watch


  10. An update concerning a possible F-35 alternative, at least for the US Air National Guard.


    "more recently the Saab-Boeing partnership that is expected to market the revised version of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter, in use with the Swedish air force."

    The USAF test pilots were in Korea flying the T-50 as a part of their performance evaluation of T-X candidates. It was also revealed that the USAF pilots were also going to fly the JAS-39 Gripen as a representation of Boeing-Saab's T-X bid, meaning the Boeing-Saab's bid is not drastically different from the Gripen, to the contrary of Boeing's previous assertion of an all new design.

    Should the Gripen derivative be selected, then the Gripen can fulfill the USAF's FT-X requirement to equip Air National Guard units.

  11. An now the Gripen retires from Denmark competition.


  12. https://news.vice.com/article/us-navy-looks-to-retroactively-stealth-up-some-super-hornets


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