Saturday, July 26, 2014

Flyer Gen III GMV 1.1 Advanced LSV


  1. Hey, if they're selling them at GM or the Jeep dealer, I'll take two.

    Otherwise, while SF/SEALS/MARSOC may order a dozen or three it's a wasted trip otherwise.
    It's a vehicle 75 years too late for the Rat Patrol, and hopelessly overtaken by events and IEDs in Somalia, Iraq, and A-stan, and anywhere else bad guys have molotovs or roman candles, let alone anything more serious.
    The crew is vulnerable to frickin' kids with rocks, for cryin' out loud.

    But it'd be the shizznit for commuting up the I-5 on sunny days. Or as a hero prop car for Jurassic Park IV.

    Somebody maybe tell GenDyn sales staff to stop watching The Walking Dead, and maybe watch YouTube helmet cams of what a vehicle patrol looks like when things go typically.

    Nice video though. Pity it won't be at the January Auto Expo.

    1. totally agree. this is more an image project than something serious. sorta like the SEALs speed boat that never gets used but they love to trot out for exercises with conventional forces. i've seen the requirement and for the life of me i can't figure out where they would actually use the things in combat. its like every lesson they learned in Iraq and Afghanistan has been pissed away.

    2. Mmmm...I dont know, my uninformed opinion is that the Australian SAS is looking a cut down Hawkie & the Norforce recon battalions (reservist who stomp around the far north of Australia) look like they are getting cut down 6 wheel G wagons to replace the Landrovers. Comes down to what your using it for (ie the big guns are a nice to have to get you out of a pickle rather than charging in)

  2. This was the runner-up truck for GMV 1.1. It seems a little more durable than the Flyer.


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