Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Grunts are taking back the Marine Corps!

via Marine Corps Times...
A Marine two-star has been tapped to receive a third star and serve as the next top adviser to the commandant, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Wednesday.
Maj. Gen. James Laster was nominated to become director of Marine Corps Staff, based at the Pentagon in Washington. Pending congressional approval, Laster will serve as the top assistant and adviser to Gen. Joseph Dunford, who has been nominated to become the 36th commandant of the Marine Corps.
Of concern is a whole bunch of staff work in the latter part of his career but I guess that is to be expected.

The other thing that gives me concern is that he's spent so much time in SOCOM.

Having said all that he does have an Infantry background and that is nothing but good in my opinion.  Did you realize that over the past 4 years the top 3 Marines and many of those surrounding them came from the wing?

This is a much needed rebalancing.

Hagel has fucked alot of things up but this has his fingerprints all over it...he was grunt, he respects other grunts and even though he's as liberal as a 2 dollar hooker on bourbon street he also...just maybe...wants to see the Marine Corps return to its glory.

Sidenote:  In some swings around the internet I believe the one video that made people sit up and say what is going on with the Marine Corps is that of the Marines singing "frozen"....that's the one that made people say what the fuck.