Monday, July 07, 2014

Have you forgotten about these issues?

I marvel at how short an attention span the US public (probably populations world wide) has when it comes to important events.

Remember this????

*  Bring back our girls.  Children are kidnapped, the White House and celebrities start hash-tags and now a couple of months later nothing has happened.  Christian children have been abducted by Muslim savages and nothing.

*  Missing airliner.  That Malaysian airliner is still missing.  No one gives a rats ass about this probable case of terrorism.

*  Ukraine still burns.  Yep, an offensive is supposedly going on right now but no one cares.

*  Thailand.  They had a coup and now we hear nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.

*  Syria.  The rebels at one time had the government on the run.  Not only did they turn around those losses but the Syrian govt appears to have stabilized the situation to such a degree that the rebels turned their attention to Iraq.

*  Iraq.  Again, the situation appears to have stabilized with the Sunni's having carved out their own state.  The Kurds too.

*  Sanctions against Russia.  No word on where we are with sanctions against Russia and it appears that a kind of status quo has been allowed.

This is just off the top of my head and only covers the first part of this year.

The world burns.


  1. Fuck these Issues, these arent Issues...........Just Minor Irritations in their current state. The real issue is the Health of the US economy and the dependant economic health of your Western Friends in Europe. You get that sorted out and most problems in the world will just melt away or appear too minor to go all Gung-Ho about. Take China's case for example, it knows its economy cant take a war.....big or small, hence they are pushing other countries but only to a certain limit. And in most case Non-violently like increasing the ADIZ or dragging oil rigs or water cannons etc. The most funny thing is that all the countries China is squeezing all have massive trade ties with them. They seem to be going the old school British way of Fight but never forget to Trade.

    Even then, the Chinese or for that matter the Russians.....the 2 countries heavy on USA's radars dont give a shit about Issues that are not directly related to them. Does it look like Vlad and JinPing give a whoot about those missing nigerian girls? Or the coup in thailand as long as they keep on doing Profitable Commerce with them.

    Somewhere down the road, the USA has to declare to its taxpayers and allies......what it can and cannot do. And more importantly......What it WILL and WILL NOT do.

  2. In the case of Iraq-
    What USA can do- Go in again full force and restore it back to 1 country.

    What USA Will Not Do- Go in again full force and restore it back to 1 country.

    What USA Should Do- An encore of old colonial policy of divide and conquer. Send a few soldiers to stabilize Shiite Iraq. Establish good relations with Erbil. Let the Sunnis take the sand of western Iraq and be happy with their sand castle of a Caliphate. As long as the "International Community" recieves its qouta of oil from a reliable supplier (Shiite Iraq, Kurdistan)..........USA can call it a victory.


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