Thursday, July 31, 2014

How many terrorists have we trained?

The above video is concerning.  The US military, the State Dept and the President are all fired up about providing training to various shady characters around the globe.

The latest are terrorists that are fighting in Syria and in Libya.

I wonder how many of those people were actually Hamas or ISIS?  I wonder how many of those same terrorists will soon be turning their weapons on US forces?  SOCOM, and the Pentagon need to do a serious gut check on the "partnership"/training mission mindset that has taken hold.

Israel is on the frontlines fighting the beast that is Hamas.  Soon he will turn up at our door....will he arrive with training we provided?


  1. The Original video :

  2. That incident had the commanding general for Southern Command, Sami Turgeman, on TV saying he expects and usually gets better from his troops. From the video and reports it sure looks like the Israeli boys (RIP) were too complacent, thinking they are out of the action. Once there was some half-way response, the Hamas guys turned round and got away. Apparently these were fighters from the Hamas super-duper unit called Nahba. There are reports they did some brief parachute training in Malaysia, among other skills. Since they have no aircraft in Aza, you have to wonder where they intended to use that skill set.

    As for your original question, that stuff does have a way of coming back and biting you. Didn't the US once provide some sorts of support in Afghanistan when they were fighting the Soviets?


  4. It is disgracefull and amaturish military behaviour. The single guard is standing near the open steel door, without a field of view of the area, inside a small compound, like waitng for the officier to come and check if he is awake. In fact he is more like a target on a range.
    I think it is the fault of the commanders that placed them there without making sure they can do their job and properly protect themselves. However, we should remember these were young 18-year old recruits, without much experience.
    Again, commanders should take responsibilty!


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