Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ISIS creates the "killing fields" in the desert.

Thanks for the Mario Green pic via Twitter Dwi!

Definition via Wikipedia...
The Killing Fields (Khmer: វាលពិឃាត viel pi-kʰiet) are a number of sites in Cambodia where large numbers of people were killed and buried by thecommunist Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War (1970–1975).
Analysis of 20,000 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims of execution.[1][2]Estimates of the total number of deaths resulting from Khmer Rouge policies, including disease and starvation, range from 1.7 to 2.5 million out of a 1975 population of roughly 8 million. In 1979, communist Vietnam invaded Democratic Kampuchea and toppled the Khmer Rouge regime.
My take on this?

Congratulations Sec of State Kerry, the Obama Administration, the EU, UN and fly by night social activists.

You've been exposed for the hypocrites you really are.  Lavish attention is paid to the Israeli vs. Hamas fight and we're seeing a second killing field being established in Iraq.

Additionally the Ebola threat from Africa is being ignored, the escalating fighting in Ukraine isn't on the lips of anyone in power except to talk about additional sanctions (pathetic) and we still have the issues in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, and an unchecked/not talked about quiet war going on in Pakistan against certain terrorists groups.

The world is screwed....all of us.


  1. This is a vicious cycle. "an eye for an eye" is what some Arabs like to say.

    The Sunnis will pay for this. Dearly. All you need is the someone like Iran to step in and this bloodbath is not going to end. When Shiites go agaist Sunnis the useless UN and EU will not stop Sunnis women and children being massacred by the thousands. The Sunnis want a religious war and they will soon get it.

    1. Mark Kram

      Sunnis outnumber Shiites 10:1, so they won't pay for it. Those Sunni extremists get their funding from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, so they can fight Shiites as long as they get their money because they aren't short of volunteers.

      This sounds like an injustice, but that's the cold hard reality on the ground.

  2. About ISIS : http://youtu.be/xgzQ-rDbM-Q

    Even the kids are fucked up

  3. http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/ransoming-citizens-europe-becomes-al-qaida-s-patron-567521?pfrom=home-lateststories. This is the undercurrent of terror.

  4. If we ever go to SWAsia again, it needs to be at 50,000', and one warhead per city.
    If history wants to judge us harshly for putting down the rabid dog culture of all time, they can eat a bag of dicks too.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. exactly when did you tell Bush not to order the invasion?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Say what you like about Putin but at least when Russia sends weapons across their border they go to their friends to kill their enemies. When Obama sends weapons across his border he sends them to criminals who then shoot Americans.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. You are right! Whatever the Russian head of state is, even if his means are questionable, defending his state. The White House is just handing the US to the Latino drug cartels. Can't say much because our government isn't bothered about our borders and we live on an island!

    3. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/09/president-obama-falsely-claims-fast-and-furious-program-begun-under-the-previous-administration/




    4. Steve said: Say what you like about Putin but at least when Russia sends weapons across their border they go to their friends to kill their enemies. When Obama sends weapons across his border he sends them to criminals who then shoot Americans.

      I'll disagree, somewhat. Look at Chechniya. Russia sends weapons and troops. What does the local do? They SELL the weapons to the radicals.

      What do I like about the Russians? The Russians told everyone: FTW (F*ck The World). This is OUR fight and we are going to do it OUR WAY. No one telling us what to do. If civilians die it's because they choose to STAY.

    5. Yes I suppose but you are not really saying anything that truly disagrees with me are you? Easily I could say look at the US in Iraq and Syria, look where US weapons have ended up. Heck look where European weapons have ended up.

  7. sorry for off


  8. Off topic

    Here, the peaceful Hamas : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NAhozItSq0#t=205

  9. Solomon, I am curious about what that character said in the blog posts you deleted. I know it is your blog and can do as you wish with it....but I am curious to know what he said to torque you off enough to delete them without any of your normal admonishments.

    1. stated that i was stupid, didn't use logic, was unaware of American history and that i was sitting on a ship in the Gulf getting brainwashed and didn't know what i was talking about.

      he goes on to send numerous e-mails to my box and just like the other fools i read him the riot act, told him to apologize and get his act together and he could debate the issues and then he accused me of being Stalin.

      sorry. i just buried my mother yesterday. i'm not in the mood to put up with stupidity.

  10. One thing for sure, everyone in the world needs to see this because this is the fate of everyone who is not of Islam's and their version of Islam's destination, the killing fields, mass graves and surrender is not an option.
    It amazes me that these men in such large numbers surrendered after seeing this done before and most likely taking part in the same bloody ritual of death.
    Reminded me of that Mel Gibson Movie Apocalypto.
    Or the NAZI pogroms.
    You cannot live with a people who accept your surrender then murder you nor can you help a people who will surrender and see the carnage yet stand there and just allow them selves to be shot in the head and kicked into a river, one after another on a deck covered in blood.
    Boggles the mind!

  11. True, you absolutely do not have to put up with ignorance and stupidity from "enlightened" individuals.

    My condolences to you and your family. I am sorry to hear about your loss.

    1. i appreciate it. you're the only one that took the time .....


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