Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Iraq Order of Battle News. USAF Contingency Response Security Force headed to Baghdad International Airport?

via Air Force Times...
A team of 100 contingency response airmen have been ordered into Iraq to protect U.S. assets at Baghdad International Airport.
The airman and another 200 new troops — charged with protecting Americans in locations such as the embassy in the capital — are being sent because the Pentagon has “reason to be concerned” about the safety of the airport and other areas in Baghdad, Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said Tuesday.
The team of airmen had been standing by outside Iraqsince June 16. The contingency response group, which includes the airmen, were ordered to protect U.S. personnel and assets, not the entire airport, Kirby said.
I just don't know.

If a major push for the airport was to actually occur or if they were to start taking sustained artillery fire, I just wonder how good USAF Security Forces are.

There is USAF hard and then USMC/US Army hard.

Not taking shots at our USAF brothers and sisters but these guys haven't seen major league unit action since Vietnam.

And only 100?  If you really want to secure that airport you're going to need a Battalion sized force...the planning on this is more political than practical...politics is going to get our people killed.  In for a penny in for a pound!  You're either going to fight or you pull our people out.  I say get out.  Iraq and getting between another sectarian fight (this time between Sunni's and Shiite's instead of Northern Army and Taliban in Afghanistan) is not worth another drop of American blood. 


  1. This is going to be interesting, look's like Iran was serious with that help against ISIS.

    1. An Alliance with the Great Satan, the lesser Satan against Al Quaeda's Satan.
      What we have here is an Alliance with Satan.
      Dang, that never ends well!

  2. More than just this Sol, est 100 via rail Creighton's crates headed east bound and down. OpSec precludes more info hauling ass, sided other rail freight.

  3. The regional wars coming across the world are going to be Intense.

  4. After reading this article:

    I'm starting to think we should sit this one out now. Not as much is at stake as I thought. This is a mess that we may have had a hand in making, but many of the Arab states are ultimately the ones that built this terrorist army through funding and teaching a brand of the Islamic ideology right in their own schools. Right now they are seeing all of those chickens come home to roost in the worst way possible.


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