Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Japanese Self Defense Force "J Spirits"..


I have no idea what "J Spirits" mean/are.


  1. Not really apropos of this post, but I was wondering if you had any idea the world was going to be such an "interesting" place when you started this blog?

    1. not at all. and to be honest i wish it wasn't. but thinking back and listening to the President's "roll back the rising of the oceans" speech, i should have known.

      i actually listened to it the other day and the naivete that it displayed is breathtaking...even worse, the arrogance it displayed is frightening.

      when people step out of the right left divide and look at what he's done, hasn't done, and needed to do, i feel confident that the entire term will be seen as an era when Americans decided to NOT deal with reality and chose instead to live in a dream world.

    2. The Chinese have a saying- "May you like in Interesting Times".

  2. Looks like some kind of recruitment video

    1. This recruitment video will become unnecessary once Japan reinstates military conscription as being pushed by Abe and his rightwing backers for a "shared sacrifice".

      But in the mean time, Japanese government is desperately pulling all tricks to boost the recruitment number, such as mailing recruitment "advertising" letters to all high school students(Which looks like conscription letters to those who have never seen it before) and use cute girls to drive enlistment, because the new recruitment number has collapsed while existing younger SDF members are looking to get out once their contracts end ever since Abe gutted the Article 9. Some 60% of SDF troop members oppose any reinterpretation of the Japanese Peace constitution, because the current members have signed up with an understanding that the SDF jobs were like police jobs and firefighter jobs, not to fight Abe's wars in far away lands.

  3. At 0:36 - is that a pouch I see unclipped? I hope not. Bad drills. I certainly have "fond" memories of making that mistake back in basic training...


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