via Yahoo.Uh wow.
It’s highly unusual for a high-ranking soldier, let alone a high-ranking Marine, to publicly questionWhite House and Pentagon policy. Yet that’s exactly what four-star Gen. James Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps, did yesterday in Washington.
Speaking at the Brookings Institute Tuesday, Amos said the Obama administration paved the wayfor the emergence of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) by completely withdrawing American troops in 2011.
“I have a hard time believing that had we been there, and worked with the government, and worked with parliament, and worked with the minister of defense, the minister of interior, I don't think we'd be in the same shape we're in today,” Amos said.
Amos also blasted the White House for failing to live up to its obligations around the world.
“We may think we're done with all of these nasty, thorny, tacky little things that are going on around the world -- and I'd argue that if you're in that nation, it's not a tacky, little thing for you. We may think we're done with them, but they're not done with us," Amos said.
He plainly said that the Obama administration's policy in Iraq is wrong.
Is he attempting to burnish his legacy or is he trying to give the White House the reason they need to punch his ticket?
Sidenote: Dunford's confirmation hearings are going on now.