Friday, July 11, 2014

Lockheed Martin/Patria Havoc 8x8 (with turret mounting 30mm??? & Javelin launcher) screen captures....

Forget for a moment the Javelin launch.

Its cool but quite honestly so what.  I want a short ranged missile like that fired from the bush by my anti-tank teams, not the APC I hope will survive long enough for me to ride out on.

What has me jazzed is the turret on the Havoc.  What turret is that?  Its obviously capable of carrying a least 30mm and if we compare it to the work that Lockheed Martin UK is doing with the Warrior then we can plus size that to 40mm.

BAE, SAIC and General Dynamics better up their game.  I'm trying to run down info on the ACV 1.1/MPC in regards to rumors that I've heard, but Lockheed/Patria are playing for keeps and are pushing hard with their vehicle.

Sidenote:  THOSE CAGEY BASTARDS!  Notice how they prevent us from getting a good look at the front of the vehicle (that's not by accident either!)?  They tease us and then leave us hanging?!  They have some good guys in Lockheed Martin Ground Division but they piss me the fuck off at times!

UPDATE:  Everyone says this is the German Boxer.  On second glance, they appear to be right.  That even adds more sauce to the goose.  What the hell is going on?  Why not show us the front of the vehicle?  During a weapons test they have all views available---thats standard procedure---maybe just a quick press release that they didn't expect to garner much attention?

UPDATE 1:  The more I chew on this the less sense it makes.  Why choose the Javelin for a vehicle mounted anti-tank missile?  Don't the Germans have the SPIKE available?  Greater range, more powerful warhead...what the hell are the missile guys at Lockheed Martin up to?


  1. Interesting.
    I wouldnt mind these missiles mounted on Amphibs so that they can fire something deadly and accurate even when they are floating in the water while making their way to the beach. Why should shore based forces have all the fun?

    The US before making any landings will obviously achieve Air Superiority over the OpFor and guided missiles targeting shore based defences seems like the right thing to do.

  2. For a moment I was thinking that this is the same type of turret that MOWAG put on Piranha V, similar size and box shape but the back is different. It's bigger then Hitfist-30P or LCT30.

    Well, I really don't recognize it, lack of details... maybe it's mod of Mk44 Bushmaster II or even XM813.

  3. The turret is a new turret from LM UK. The testing as far as I know was performed in Cranfield UK in March this year.

    However the strangest thing is the vehicle... It very much looks like a German Boxer 8x8! The rear side looks like the modular pod they use in Boxer.

  4. The vehicle is the German Boxer 8x8.

    1. LOL! You right! I concentrate on turret and notice that is indeed a Boxer. Shhhhiiitttt that different color of module system that Boxer use should give me a clue.

  5. This is not a Javelin, thats a Spike LR or ER missile. It has eight fins in two X-configurations, one on the rear and one in the middle. And the Javelin only has four fins in the middle.

    1. well then lockheed martin doesn't know what missiles they're testing because they're the ones that put this video out. nice try DT but on this one you're wrong.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. EDIT: Nevermind, you're right. It's a Javelin. Maybe some Javelin user is interested in mounting the weapon onto their APC's and IFV's (like the infamous vapourware Bradley Warhammer). They also mounted a Javelin on the RWS of a Textron TAPV.

  6. Why have it turret mounted? Because it is cheap, effective, and everywhere. You can argue about it being not optimal because it isn't. But if you go this route every vehicle at the front can kill a tank. Not strictly on the move no but without the need for a team to dismount, unpack the missile, launch it, climb back in the vehicle. It is just adds to depth and gives another option.

    1. Notice there is only one Javelin, the bay immediately below it is much smaller. Also why, there is already 30mm turrets for boxer, it would be stupid to replace the whole turret for one ATGM.. I am sure they can modify existing turrets for ATGM...

      Also I would like too see laser designator capability integrated into a laser range-finder, for target designation M712 Copperhead and air-support.

  7. As its probably aimed at the Brits the rationale probably is for the vehicle to use the same ATGM as the dismounts otherwise Javelin makes no sense over Spike


    "The turret can be augmented with externally mounted Anti-Tank Guided Missiles such as the Rafael Spike, carried by the Puma."

    Possibly they are testing the Javelin to ensure compatibility with existing turret hardware.

  9. I told ya! Vertical launch system's on back of armored vehicles shooting Javelin missiles in volley fire.
    Smaller, cheaper and top attack.
    Doesn't mean I approve nor think it's a grand idea, just understand the way the egg heads think.

  10. Saudi Arabia is a user of Javelin missile. Germans are trying to sell weapons to the Saudis, Boxer is one of them. So israely weapons are out of the question. One of the reasons that the KMW and Nexter are merging, is the Arabian market. Germans face many problems with their politicians, so they are trying to bypass them with merges like the KMW & Nexter one.

    1. They want to buy the new A7 Leos too! interesting!

      A urban pacification tank is a particularly interesting choice for a regime teetering on the brink of collapse, surrounded by other regimes undergoing revolutions.

  11. @Gunner, KMW cannot bypass license restrictions in the short term via Nexter towards Saudi Arabia. The joint holding company will be operational from mid 2015 and at least the first three years (but I would bet more) KMW will be a German legal entity and the Leopard will be subjected to DEU export restrictions just like today. Long term is another story... and the merge could be a success or a failure. KSA have just signed a deal valued $10 billion with GDLS for Piranha 8x8 and LUV 4x4, they already have tons of LAV. How many APC and IFV can they buy? In the past they looked for Boxer 8x8 but it was 1-2 years ago before the Vice-Canchellor of Germany Sigmar Gabriel (assumed on december 2013) of SPD reinforced export restrictions on DEU weaponry. It would be easier for KMW to go through Spain for the Saudi deal but they don't wont to put money in the pocket of GD European Land Systems. Moreover Leopard IS Germany and if KMW bypass DEU Government they will ask kmw for an expensive toll. Germany is Germany.


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