Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Philippines moving to replace their OV-10...Why aren't they considering the A-10?


Who is running Philippines acquisition?  If I was doing this I'd be hanging out at the USAF HQ, ready to pounce on A-10C's that have just been redone and are set to be retired.

Whoever gets those planes is gonna get a steal.


  1. Australia should be jumping on the surplus A-10's like a fat kid on to a cupcake - it'd do wonders for morale and recruitment if nothing else!

  2. Maybe because the A-10 is MUCH more expensive to train for and operate than the OV-10.

    Too bad the OV-10X never took off.

    1. the comparison isn't between the OV-10 and the A-10, its between the Super Tucano and the A-10 (the Air Tractor too).

      if they could get the planes for almost free from the US along with a foreign aid package then i think the costs would be competitive.

  3. Can the A-10 be sold under current US law?

    1. I am probably not well-versed in this matter, but I was under the impression it could not be since the US was the only operator. My mistake, I guess.

      If it's possible to sell it... I wonder why the A-10s were not offered to Iraq as an interim while the F-16 stalled? I am sure the USAF would have liked to get some of the money spent back,

    2. Out of production. A10, Su25, Harrier would all be suitable, but none are in production, except maybe Su25. I don't think there are any proper ground attack planes in production or development. Kind of a shame really, the mission/requirement hasn't gone anywhere.

      If you want a ground attack plane I think you are going to have to go for an Su25, or jets with brimstone/SDB/GBUs and target pods. Also 6 are not going to do much, alternatively for COIN they could go with something like AHRLAC.

    3. Any inputs on the Super Tucano for this intended role?

    4. Yes but the US Congress blocked the sales in late 1970 early 1980's. When they were offered in the early 1990's, no one wanted then anymore. Also the first few A-10s has Vulcan's before the Avenger was ready. A retrofit with the Vulcan would provide an effective COIN ops, and cost much less them the Avenger to shot...

      However a single turbo prop will always cost less then a twin jet. Also is it me or did the announcer sound like an Embraer rep? The USN leased on in 2009 for testing, Backwater errr Academi has 2 or 3, this is "In service with the USA"?? Of course he could have pointed out that the AT-802 is used in Brazil, and 17 other countries. But I swear he was a spokesmen for Enbraer.....

    5. DU rounds are not the reason.

      The main cannon can operate on standard rounds with the uranium.

  4. Easy there, lads, easy... you overlook one serious thing. It's not a cash (but it's a major factor) it's not that they would not want to (because who would don't want to have an A-10!?) it's the most important thing for nations like Philippines.

    I will put that in big letters. TECHNICAL CULTURE

    Look at garage of Philippine Air Force, how many you see jets and how many classic propellers? The quality of airfield infrastructure and overall terrain on the islands are not very "jet friendly". But in opposite to that, classic propeller planes can serve there without too much problem. The ground crew know that tech to the bone, acclimatization of planes like Super Tucano, Texan II or AT-802 will fast and without bigger problems. They already have large bunch of trained and experienced pilots for those type of planes... but not too many for jets and not a single one trained for ground attack jet in full A-10 style.

    And terrain, don't overlook that thing boys. Philippine are not heavy urbanized places like Europe, US or other nations in Asia. They have a shit tons of jungles and mountains where you can have only small dirt strips, A-10 with all it's points will NOT land them. Small propeller driven plane will. It will not need a large infrastructure or solid 'field to operate. They will not operate against massive armored columns but against different criminal and terrorist groups.

    Philippine chose Super Tucano and it's perfect for that role. Do they need or even can maintain A-10... well I doubt it.

    1. What exactly on the simplest least technical air frame the USAF has, the A-10, would be that more advanced then the EMB 314 Super Tucano? If you honestly take a step back and look at them, no RADAR, no integrated FLIR, the A-10 has a primitive HUD by modern and Tucano standards. They both use commercial power plants, the A-10 was back before COTS was a catchphrase... In fact the Turbo prop will need more maintenance then a turbo fan, but the A-10 has 2 so that will balance out.

      The A-10 will suck down way more fuel then either competitor, that would be its big weakness in this case. PAF has very little $$ to use, they must use it wisely. Even free A-10's will be a looser in the long run just for fuel cost. Having said that, giving them A-10's will probably freak out China. Anything to get that countries attention maybe worth it.....


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