Monday, July 07, 2014

Rousey is a bad ass....

I missed the fight.

To be honest I wasn't interested.

Then I saw the 16 seconds it took for Rousey to kick ass and I have to admit that I might actually start watching.


  1. My brother showed me the fight, the other lady got raped! That takedown was brutal!
    Looked like something from movies or video games

  2. I think she's a f*cking scrunt. I can't WAIT until she gets her ass handed to her!


    1. you must hate the entire sport then. i've never seen a bigger collection of self absorbed, arrogant fucks ... having said that though its still something pretty special to watch...and lastly she's top dog. people are going to talk shit about her just because they can't kick her ass in the ring.

      oh and i don't do hashtags.


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