Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Scratch Burger King from the list of fast food joints I would consider visiting...

via Miami NewTimes Blog.
As a celebration of gay pride, Miami-based Burger King introduced the Proud Whopper in San Francisco last week. The sandwich is the same as a regular whopper-- only wrapped in rainbow-hued paper with the inscription, "We are all the same inside." Proceeds from the sales of the limited-edition sandwich will be donated to the Burger King McLamore Foundation that promotes the advancement of education in teens.
The special burger with a message of equality will only be available at one Burger King restaurant in San Francisco through Thursday, July 3, but this looks like only the beginning of the company making a strong statement in support of the LGBT community.
Although the fast food giant has no plans of mass distributing the Proud Whopper, Fernando Machado, senior vice president of global brand management at Burger King says the company "may consider something even bigger later on."
I'm done.

Burger King is off the list of fast food joints I would consider visiting.  Don't mix advocacy of an issue with me trying to grab some grub.

This is too much.

A gay pride burger?  Really?  Seriously?  Fuck Burger King. 


  1. Something even bigger... hope they do it around the country, will be interesting seeing their revenue tank.

  2. For christ's sake, it's a bloody gay pride burger, what the hell is wrong with that?

    1. i can't even explain it to you. if you don't get it you just don't get it. but the last thing i want to see are "pride" burgers. whether ethnic, racial, sexual or whatever. i don't want to see it, the US doesn't need it and IT IS WRONG!

      maybe this shit works in the UK. maybe you guys like it. it bugs the hell outta me though.

  3. Be hell to pay if the meat isn't Halal.

    1. and that is exactly where this is all heading. SPOT ON!

    2. Ha, alot of us burger meat for McDonalds comes from New Zealand (following the burger patty scandal), and I am fairly sure it is halal.

  4. They at least have an option without the colored paper?

    1. i'm sure they do but let me ask you this simple question. if suddenly you're segmenting people at fast food resturants by ethnicity, race, sexual preference etc...then where does it stop.

      i mean do i get a rash of shit from some gay activist because i go in and say hey give me a whopper without the gay rights bullshit on it?

      America was once great because the identifier was suppose to be regardless of, now its more of tell me what and who you are. personally i don't give a shit just act like a decent human being and we're cool

    2. Let me see if I understand you, you are saying that these people are actually segregating people with this kinda of thing, is that it?

    3. its another way that a person who i could not possibly know was straight or gay can use as an identifier. additionally it stems from a system that is respecting social groupings instead of an individual based on his actions and character.

      Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr said that and i agree.

      you're a shit head or an asshole regardless of race, color, creed or national origin if thats how you act. additionally if you're a solid citizen you should be treated as such regardless of the same. why place an identifier in a restaurant?

  5. Ok, got it. And like you, I believe that's really unnecessary

    1. i know thats a piss poor clarification but its the best i can do. the reaction is visceral for me. whats next? baptist burgers? straight french fries? protestant crawfish?

  6. The proud burger is a sausage burger I presume?

    1. well done! everyone else, tip the waitress and try the fish.

  7. In itself, that burger look soo tasty. Back in my college days, I used to end up eating almost 10 Big Macs a week. Then I went from 70 Kilos to 93 for my 5'11 frame. Back to normal now thanks to 9km running everyday without fail.

    My biggest Burger Bing was when I devoured 2 big macs+ 2 McChikens with 2 normal order of fries+ 1 cold coffee and a Chocolate walnut Brownie for dessert. What an experience that was. I dream about that every time my evening run ends and my hunger begins.

    Solomon, maybe you should start a Food Blog as well.........."Zen and the art of MRE's with extra cheese".

  8. I am surprised Burger King turned to the LGBT community with that burger. If I were at the helm of Burger king, I would have wrapped it with a range of wrappers- Digital Pixel Camo, Flektarn, Woodland camo and called it the "Proud Patriot".

    Have the entire wrapper in Camoflage, put the respective countries Sovereign Flag next to the text "Proud Patriot". And then give them out at a no-profit-no loss discount for Veterans Day, Victory in Europe day and Victory in Japan Day.

    Put combat stripes on the wrapper ranging from 1 to 5 with every stripe representing 1 year of deployed combat service. Every veteran while eating a burger will see the stripes. One of 2 things will happen- Either he will feel proud of his time in the service, or he will see the guy sitting next to him with 5 stripes to his 1 and feel.............Fuck life's everyday problems, i need to do more. Keeping up with the Kardashians ??.......Try keeping up with the Veterans.

    1. trust me. American society is so decadent now that the only thing the average American cares about is the latest hip thing. they don't care if its something they're interested in or not. the fact that someone else is, is enough for them to climb aboard the bandwagon.

      that's why your idea while great would never fly. the slackers in society never want to be reminded of how little they actual contribute to the nation. they prefer the fantasy that they're important.

    2. Solomon, the real funny thing is..........Packaging like this doesnt cost anything. If companies want, they can actually cover a whole range of issues like drungs, cancer, smoking, alcohol addiction etc. with these paper/pulp wrappers. The fact that a certain company thinks its more "marketable" and more "acceptable" to come up with a LGBT burger rather than a Veteran burger despite a 13 year multi front conflict should tell you a lot. And this is the same company that begs and lobbies politicians for selling food at military installations.

    3. ya know quite honestly i never considered that. the LGBT movement is the current flavor of the month. not veterans. interesting.


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