Thursday, July 24, 2014

The champagne is on ice. Dunford confirmed.

Read the article here.

Long story short?  Dunford will replace Amos this fall.  The champagne is on ice, the sour mash is hid in the footlockers (we'll bring that out once the women and children have gone to bed) and a warrior culture will hopefully return to the USMC.

1 comment:

  1. ...and a warrior culture will return to 8th & I ...

    One is left only to wonder whether Lame-Us Amos is going into Witness Protection immediately afterwards, or if there's a quiet compound prepared for him to retire to in the Emirates.
    They're going to have to bury the guy under a mound of kitty litter, what with all the deposits inevitably to be left on his gravesite when he shuffles off his mortal coil and returns to his fiery Underlord's minions.


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