Sunday, July 27, 2014

The US Navy's version of the F-35 is costing us $337 million dollars each....

Check out the insanity which is the cost of the F-35 here, at War is Boring Blog...I won't even spoil it with a tidbit.  This is a must read.


  1. Looks like the harrier three will be back on the drawing board!

    The Typhoon (3a) looks to be about £125mn, say $180mn

    How is the C so expensive? The B sure, but the C wasnt supposed to be that extreme.

    1. Probably because the USN is the only ones buying it. The B has USMC, Britain, Italy, and maybe a few others.

    2. A comparable cost (Gross Weapons System Cost) for the F/A-18 E/F is $77M vs. $337M for the F-35C (at this moment in history.) That means you could theoretically buy 4 Super Hornets for the cost of one F-35C. Any wonder why the Navy is tepid about the aircraft? The Navy will be lucky if they acquire half the number that they have planned (forced?) to buy.

  2. We need to start a pool on at what price the plug will be pulled! The FA18 is more than a much for anything the Chinese will have in any numbers any time soon. I think C and B are for the chop. The A will survive because the USAF need it. It won't be the new F16 but a F22 light. Let's hope the USAF buy lots of BVR missiles to save it getting up close and personnel.

  3. And just think. That is for something that has not even cleared OPEVAL (pencil-whipped or otherwise).

  4. It appears that they are shifting a greater share of overhead costs to the -B and -C to make it -A less expensive - helps with international sales.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Basically a flight of 4 Super Hornets, say 1 Growler + 3 Block 2 or maybe ASH F-18s costs the same as the current F-35C. There is no logic for the Navy to buy the F-35C.

  7. WTF!

    (thats all my brain can come up with right now)


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