Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The world is burning news. Don't forget about chaos in Africa.

While we've all been watching Israel hook and jab with Hamas, and Russia fight a proxy war with Ukraine via Separatists, we've all taken our eyes off Africa and the chaos that is hitting that continent.

Just to give you a small update check this out from the Guardian...
The wife of Cameroon's vice-prime minister was kidnapped and at least three people were killed in an attack by Boko Haram militants in the northern town of Kolofata on Sunday, Cameroon officials said.
A local religious leader, or lamido, named Seini Boukar Lamine, who is also the town's mayor, was kidnapped in a separate attack on his home.
Then we have this from the Telegraph...
Ebola has killed 672 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone since it was first diagnosed in February and more than 1,000 others have been infected by the virus.
On Friday, a Liberian man who had travelled to the Nigerian capital Lagos died for the disease, heightening concerns international air travel could speed up its spread.
The Government’s Public Health England on Monday sent letters to British doctors telling them to watch for anyone with strange illnesses who have recently travelled in West Africa.
Lets tackle the kidnapping issue first.

A small terrorist group has been given fame by a misguided social media campaign that did nothing and only emboldened men who are not swayed by the short attention span of fly by night activists.

The second issue is much more important and disturbing.

Ebola....The real danger is the incubation period and globalization.  Two to Twenty One days is the incubation period.  Some Brit could travel to Nigeria, back to the UK and then on to the US before he realized he was sick.

Globalization and open borders has made the world much more dangerous.  A pandemic in the modern era could be in every nation of the world before it was detected.

Chaos reigns and we lack the leadership everywhere to properly deal with the troubles in the Middle East, Africa and Europe.


  1. " Two to Twenty One days is the incubation period."

    Whoa 21 days that is a lot of spread time. Not many understand in the real world unlike hollywood the virus you fear is the slow burning virus that gives the host the most contagious without major symptom time to spread.

    That ebola outbreak is something much more attention should be being paid to. It is not in the countryside it is in the urban/city slums of West Africa and that is why the doctors cannot get a handle on it. In the Bush they just quarantine then clean up, in the cities that is just impossible. Even worse I have seen stories were the gen pop is refusing treatment or letting the authorities know they are showing symptoms and demanding the western doctors be expelled. Superstition and crazy talk is whispering that the western doctors is the source and not the only barrier stopping this from running through the continent.

  2. Gonna do a little research about ebola. I thought it wouldn't be a problem (to us living in the American continent) since it kills to fast.

  3. Ebola is a nasty disease, but it doesnt spread, and thats key.

    HIV is a bitch if you discount infection control, 100% lethal, infectious for years, but easy to avoid. Airborne Aids would wipe us out.

    Ebola is a pain, and if you catch it, you're pretty much ****ed, but catching it is far from easy.


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