Sunday, July 20, 2014

The world is burning news. The Islam-a-fication of Europe is well underway.

Tens of thousands protested in London Saturday afternoon against Israel’s military operations in Gaza, denouncing Israel as a terrorist state and castigating British Prime Minister David Cameron for backing Israel’s right to self-defense against Hamas rocket fire.
Led by speakers on a podium, protesters holding placards and banners chanted pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel slogans.
At one point, a woman on the podium shouted “from the river to the sea” — a call for the elimination of Israel — and protesters responded by yelling “Palestine will be free.”
The crowd also directed shouts of “Shame on you” at Cameron, who publicly backed Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas rocket fire aimed at the Israeli civilian population.
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign, which organized the demonstration, said that since the protest began at 12 p.m. (GMT), tens of thousands of people had gathered, more than the 20,000 anticipated. The demonstration began outside Downing Street and was to march to the Israeli embassy.

Why haven't we seen this type of action in the US?


The backlash would be so severe that law enforcement would be castigated for letting the situation flare out of control.  Additionally everyday citizens would respond in a way that would shock the world.


Why is this flaring in Europe?

Because instead of attempting to integrate these populations into their societies they've instead allowed mini-Muslim states to pop up inside their borders.  Sharia law is allowed and radical Islam is flourishing.

The problem for these protesters is Europe (in my opinion) will soon become tired of these damaging flare ups.  Nazi parties are starting to gain traction and you will see a reaction.  And when Europe decides to go old skool its going to be a sight to behold.


  1. Solomon please make examples of this muslim mini states inside european borders where sharia is legally accepted/allowed. thanks.

  2. Law enforcment in US is tough on protests that clash with establishment ,you can protest all sort of shit but on other hand you can quickly end up on the other side of a batton ,pepper spray or tear gas even in totaly non violent protest,in Europe use of police force is much more restrictive and misuse of police powers is only a short step away from goverment chrisis ( at best) and goverment change at (worst)

  3. I read an old joke in one of the PJ media sites.
    It comes from Germany.
    "What is the difference between a Turk and a Jew?"
    Answer: "It has already happened to the Jew."
    Apparently showers are due in Europe for a great many people, whom it will be is the question.

  4. in Europe support for Palestine is much higher than in the US due to that they are more secular liberal not conservative it has been burnt by church too badly, and there is no strong Jewish lobby unlike the US, there is no European president or prime minister to give speeches in "American Israel Public Affairs Committee" and Jewish vote almost counts for nothing in Europe unlike the Muslims vote.
    i wonder what mini states are you imagining!

    1. i'm talking about the ghettos in France, the UK, Germany, Switzerland etc...lawless areas which are inhabited by immigrants that refuse to become a part of the countries they've immigrated to and areas which every couple of years erupt in an orgy of civil disobedience that has nothing to do with what is going on in their host country but in the middle east.

      additionally to be blunt, the car burnings and protests that you see happening are barely covered in mainstream news inside the US. why? because it brings up an inconvient truth. Islam might have moderates but they are or at least don't appear to be the majority.

      lastly you talk about a jewish lobby in the US? blame it on Christianity. my faith dictates that Israel is to be protected. if you think that a secular, liberal country is preferable then wait a few more years cause that ain't the US....yet.

    2. Your comment is 100% anti-Semitic.

      I'm cool with discussion I disagree with, but your's is just hate.

  5. ghettos exist or existed in the united states i never heard any one call them states or mini states just wrecked neighborhoods, either way i have not seen or heard any one say they used sharia law there, but u may have your sources.
    and to be blunt as well Muslims account for over a billion and 200 million on the planet thats almost as many as the Chinese but unlike the Chinese and every country on earth has Muslims if they were as you think extremists they would not expend or survive the thing is about extremeness it only attracts the few but gets the most attention, it certainly got yours, why would you see an ordinary person in the news? that's not news.
    Christians are different, you may believe that the Jewish state should be protected but other Christians built gas chambers and others the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, and the political parties that labeled them selves publicly as anti Semitic were by Christians, so you just have one version of that faith.
    as for liberal or not US i have no vote in American, Americans will decide what there country will be like, that's what democracy is right, peoples rule.

  6. Looks the account "ghadeer" was just created. Perhaps only to troll this site?

  7. The white power movement thrives in Europe. It will eventually counterbalance the Islamic movement. Hated makes me people do despicable things, I hope Europe is ready for Round 2.

  8. The European leader demanded that Israel have the right of self defense against the Hamas rocket fire. Its true. But the leader doesn't find the reason of Hamas activities. Again they are the reputed shopkeeper of the human right. The world leader become helpless in this Israel-Palestine issue. They can not find a permanent solution of this blood.

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