Thursday, July 10, 2014

The world is burning news. Israel is making the case for an assault..

Rocket pieces fall in central Israel. The rocket was intercepted by Iron Dome.

Building damaged by a rocket launched from Gaza.

Drivers take refuge from rockets

The above photos are from the IDF Flickr Page.

Its obvious.  The Israeli's are prepping and shaping public opinion so that when they make an assault into the Gaza Strip, it will be understood by anyone that's been paying attention.

I'm impressed by the craftsmanship here.

The captions are short, simple and to the point.

Israel is getting pounded and something must be done.

Expect an assault soon.


  1. A digression... the Israel Missile Defense is really under stress test now. Everyone should watch it very closely how it's work under this situation.

    1. It works fantasticly. Over 90% interception of rockets that have trajectories landing in populated areas!!! Ignoring the ones that will land in open areas.
      I live 25 kilometers from Gaza and I hear the interceptions and watch it on TV (which is broadcasting 24 hours a day) in between running to our air raid shelter. Hundreds of rockets fired and only one badly wounded civilian. Imagine that during the Blitz in London during the 2nd World War.

  2. Which is exactly what Hamas wants, they've been cash starved due to being cut off from Iran, crack down on the Muslim Brotherhood, and other "Arab Causes". That's why they allied with Fatah (Fatah was going to Hamas' salaries, that's how desperate they got). But thanks to Israel, Hamas is back in the headlines and their "charity" based cash machine will resume.

  3. Israel's long-term goal is to control all of Palestine, but then most of its people would be Arabs so it's a self-defeating goal. Israel could no longer exist as a Jewish state.

    1. Don, you have to be kidding or misinformed. Who in his right mind would want to control Gaza?
      All we want is to stop the rockets fired from there. How would you like to have indiscriminate rockets fired at your home? Or while traveling to the Supermarket, or going to school, to work, to the gym....
      If you live in England today you will have the same within 20 years when the homegrown Muslims will set up Englandstan and will want to dominate the rest of the Isles.

    2. Israel does not see any long term or short term gain in controlling Palestine.
      Down south we have these ants called fire ants, the only way to control the little monsters is to wipe the entire hill out in detail starting with the queen ant using chemicals.
      Some use fire.
      Everyone gets bit and stung doing the job.
      Next year the damn fire ants are back!
      Controlling Palestine would be the same.
      It would be more trouble than it's worth and a nightmare to control.

  4. Check out this Hamas attempt at an amphibious attack.

  5. Well The one guy knows how to duck and cover, his gal pal obviously values her wardrobe more than her head and ass. The other two clowns are busy being tourist, and damn, they are way to close to those cars loaded with fuel.
    I'm betting just for training, gathering intel and for shits and giggles the IDF does go in on the ground for a limited operation.


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