Thursday, July 17, 2014

The world is burning news....and now Israel invades...

This just in.

The Israeli's have launched their ground offensive into the Gaza.  The objective?  I haven't the slightest.

The world is burning and the administration doesn't have a clue.


  1. What better time than this, everyone will be looking at Ukraine plus people will be make the analogy separatist=Hamas

    1. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. heh
      Does anybody NOT do false flag any more?

  2. Israel wants all of Palestine. It's progress may be seen here. (And it also wants the gas fields off the Gaza coast.)

    So forget two-state, it will be one state with more Arab Muslims then Jews. Then what?

    1. Then hopefully reason hits their heads hard and they stop that stupid conflict.

    2. People of some repute have made the point but Israel doesn't seem to be interested in the long-term effect of their belligerent policy.

    3. what exactly do you expect the Israeli's to do? they put forward a cease fire and Hamas uses the opportunity to launch more rockets.

      then you have people like George that hate jewish people (never mind the fact that Christ was jewish) and mix that in with elites that believe that Israel can do nothing right and you have a case of Israel being defenseless if it follows "talking head" advice!

      so tell me.

      what do you recommend they do...oh and please tell me how you make savages stop firing rockets! remember the vid of the Shiite getting his throat slit by ISIS. they want to do that to every Westerner, Jew and non-believer world wide, so tell me how you reason with people like that.

    4. There's a lot more to it, as always. The million people in Gaza are living in an open-air prison with Israel controlling what meager commodities are allowed in. Israel prohibits the Gazans from going to their fields, and it exerts many other repressive controls on these poor people while Israelis live in relative luxury. Israel has also kidnapped and detained people w/o charges. Many things.

      The US acts like it's an arbiter but of course it always takes the Israel side really, because of domestic politics. Israel has been charged with human rights violations many times in the UN but the US always vetoes any motion against Israel. All the cards are stacked against the Palestinians in land that was intended to remain theirs, and is now being taken from them.

      So yes, firing rockets isn't nice, but nearly no Israeli's have been killed yet Israel has wantonly killed hundreds, as Netanyahu promised to do, and they will kill more. Live free or die -- New Hampshire motto.

      I'm not up on the whole situation, it's not my thing, but that's a start. There's a very complicated history involving intifadas and various peace initiatives and agreements -- I'm just not up on all of it (and few are -- it's complex).

    5. Don, you might want to look again on HOW it acquired the land post 1947.

      If Israel wanted all the land, then why did it give back the Sinai?

      btw, The biggest gas fields are off of the Israeli coast, not Gaza.

    6. A bit pick with you info Don???

      Guess why they limit what goes in? It's because they are SMUGGLING in weapons. Ever wonder why they are not having these problem with the West Bank, the Golan Heights, etc? It's because complete animals are not in charge of those areas and it's harder to smuggle weapons into those areas. For crying out loud the UN just found 20+ missiles in one of their own schools in Gaza.

    7. Smuggling weapons? OMG that's terrible. Nobody should have weapons. /s

    8. the breaking of cease fire is as far as i know nothing more than an Israeli claim, and Israel have always used the ceasefires as ways to monitor movement in the Gaza strip and pick new targets in there former attacks.
      too bad the Israelis under estimated what they were facing and they are going to pay the price.
      as for throat slitting ...does not seem the Palestinians have been doing that only the mad alqaida and isis and the like, its a tactic meant to terrify the enemy, i believe its wrong.

    9. Yes, how dare the Palestinians acquire weapons! They’re supposed to be unarmed and defenseless as they’re hemmed in to smaller and smaller open air prisons! How dare they attempt to defend themselves!

      If Israel, the side holding all the cards in this situation, wanted peace, there would be peace. Instead, the rocket attacks, which can be launched by any small group of provocateurs (on either side), and which are little more than large fireworks, are being used again to justify an incursion. One which conveniently distracts from the real wars going on in Ukraine and Iraq.

    10. this whole thing kicked off because three Jewish boys were an American citizen...and then were brutally murdered. you can say that throat slitting is designed to terrify the enemy well i ain't scared just pissed beyond belief.

      except for the people that hate Jews, the rest of us are cheering for Israel and the reason is simple. we have a weak and ineffective leader and stupid people in our government. so when Israel goes off to fight the terrorists they're in essence fighting for us. do you really believe that terrorism would stop if the Jewish people were pushed out of middle east? hell no it wouldn't! they would then turn all there attention toward us first (the US) and then they'd go after each other because they aren't part of the "correct" brand of Islam.

      its a warlike culture. i wish it wasn't but wishing doesn't change reality.

    11. Kidnapped by whom? How do you know? Did the talking box tell you? Who controls what you see on the talking box? How do you know those boys even existed?

      This game that's being played is bigger than Israel, which is only one player. Whenever you think you know what's going on, take a step back and look again. Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, and Israel are not separate actions. They're fronts in a global campaign... As is your talking box. Look beyond the labels you've been taught, and the reactions you've been trained to have. Understand that you have no way, without being there, of understanding the objective reality of what's happening.

    12. the talking box? i assume you're talking about news broadcasts, print and internet.

      dude. you need to get back on your meds. are you seriously trying to say that the three Israeli boys that were kidnapped is nothing but a false flag?

      your arrogance is breathtaking.

      the labels i've been taught? if i was doing that then i'd be a supporter of the Palestinians. its the cool thing to do...its trendy...its fashionable and it will get me nods of approval at cocktail parties.

      understanding objective reality without being there? you're not there so don't you dare lecture me. i've spent time in the region and not as a tourists. can you say the same?

    13. the kidnapping was the trigger the not the cause they have been trying the chock the Palestinians in Gaza for so long. as for terrorism Israel exciting only aggravates it, Israel is strategically weak its small country very thin defense line, it needs a lot of US aid to live and it keeps getting it, but it has only been here for 66 years, the crusader kingdoms lasted around 120 years before they were completely eradicated, and i once read that the Israeli universities publish the largest amount of studies regarding the crusades. which seems to be like they know where there state is eventually heading.

    14. I'm saying that we don't know anything about those three boys except what we've been told. By multiple media sources that all get their info from the same small group of people. What were we told? What were we not told?

      I phrased it the way I did to get you to disassociate enough to think. Because you’re used to fighting with guns, and not media. That’s my world.

      Take any camera. Look through the viewfinder. What do you see? What do you NOT see? Those who control the camera control the context of what you see through it. Even it the camera shows you an actual event, the truth of it can be distorted by however the presenter chooses to ‘frame’ it for you with their introduction and commentary.

      You see three bloody boys. You don’t know who they are, or even when the footage was taken. You feel repulsed and angry. Someone speaks and tells you a story about them. Now you have someone to hate and someone to root for. One is said to be an American… now your feelings intensify.

      What if, instead, the story was that they were kidnapped by a serial killer? Or ritually murdered by ISIS? Or drugged and handed to HAMAS by the IDF? How would you know the difference?

      Did you catch the news today? Through all of the meaningless blather about the airliner incident, what words did the newsreaders keep repeating over and over? As someone only half-paying attention (as I was forced to at the Doctor’s office), what would stick in your mind?


      The babble has a purpose. To imprint upon you a mental relationship between Russia and bad stuff. Because that serves the interests of the corporations that control US media.

      Months ago, Russia Today released a silly video of a Russian army choir singing ’Skyfall’ from the last James Bond movie. That also had a purpose, to associate the Russian military with something funny and amusing. Who funds RT? Yeah, the Russian government does. Do they do it out of the goodness of their hearts?

      Two rounds fired in a years-long media war. The battleground is your reaction to Russia’s moves in eastern Europe. The goal, as a US citizen, is your support, or lack of it, for western intervention.

      More media-rounds fired in Israel. Shaping your feelings about the Palestinians and forcing you to shift attention. Your attention shifts again to ISIS, then back to Ukraine. You say “fuck the Middle East!”, just as you’re supposed to.

      You don’t see that all of those hot-spots are linked. It’s all the same global campaign.

      Realizing this, the only sane course of action is to NOT fall into the emotional traps. You can’t be sure that anyone is telling you the truth, but you can play the information sources against each other and ask yourself who benefits from the latest breaking story.

  3. the more you kill people the less you look like a victim, happened in the 80s intifada

  4. Not just Israel, ISIS is reportedly marching and hitting the Syrian army hard.

    The incompetence of the current US administration, and the West as a whole, is starting to flat out scare me.

    1. Yep. That tends to happen when you make your decisions based on greed and short-term gain instead of principle.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. @ghadeer

    Dont tell me you're one of the crowd that thinks they are gonna "Push" Israel into the Mediteranian. Do you not know that wishing complete destruction upon an entire population wins you Enemies than Friends.

    The Crusades???......Even in this modern day and age you want to talk about crusades ? You do know that when the Crusades were taking place the tables were completly turned back then ?

    Speaking more on the Crusades, do you know that initially it did not start as a Religious War but for a "Lame Duck" emperor in Constitnaoples twisted way of getting back Asia Minor back to his fold? That it got spectacularly "out of focus" because no Constitanople forces ended up capturing Asia Minor but European Christian Forces ended up capturing areas south ot Chloe-Syria rather than north of it. The emperor didnt give a hoot about "Jerusalem". All he wanted was "Turkey" back into his fold because most of his Feudal Levies and tax collections came from there ?

    Anyway.....see...even i get "Distracted by History" whereas what we need now is common sence. So, ghadeer, answer me this.............."Can you point at one buch or Palestinian Citizens or any Palestinian Organization that can stop HAMAS from firing those Rockets?"

    "Do you think you as an individual have the power to stop HAMAS?".........because if you or a bunch of you cant even stop are you gonna "Eradicate blah blah blah" that you have mentioned in your previous comment?

    And one more thing ghadeer........Most of the world is for giving justice to the Palestinians, believe me when i say this. But, when you start "Dancing from the rooftops(From a previous blogpost)" and are "Seen" aiding and abetting the HAMAS or "Eradication/Pushing over the mediteranian" make it very difficult for the International Community to justify helping you. With our(International Community) help missing because its too controversial to give to a side screaming "Eradication", the only help you get are from Radical Organizations who have their own agenda pretending to be aligned to yours.

    Every Terrorist/Non-State organization that has gained popularity/strength is because they make "Aid" available where it is not. Example-
    Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan making vital suppiles available every time a flood/earthquake strikes. Which has happened a lot in recent history.

    1. In the absence of any Native Palestinian to stop those rockets, you force Israel to take unilateral action which ends up killing a disproportionate number of Palestinians. In effect, the HAMAS in this car wreck clusterfuck is using you (palestinian citizen) as a fucking airbag. And you love being an Airbag. Much to the consternation of everybody else and for all the wrong reasons which you must know better than me.

      Am I right ghadeer ?

    2. i am not a Palestinian nor am i an airbag, and if the example of the crusades bothered you so much ill give you another one more close to our times France invaded Algeria and claimed it was french soil and stayed there for 120 years, killed one million Algerian and got there ass kicked in the end and had to leave, i am only stating a fact unless Israelis get accepted in the region they will get eventually be removed, killing people does not get the to accept you, the middle east has a long history many nations came and went Arabs may be the oldest.
      as for the rockets well peace talks aren't working, Israelis ignored or rejected the Arab proposal for peace. wars should be expected when peace is not desired.
      the Gaza siege should end.

    3. @ghadeer

      The example of the Crusades bothers me because it offers one of the biggest Monuments of why wars based on religion which actually started as a blatant land grab scheme fail so horribly. You cant compare the Crusades to any major conflict in the modern world now.

      Your example of Colonial Brutality however is justified. That was a dark period. And it did happen in the so called modern times with still a lot of people alive today who caused it and who rebelled against it and who suffered from it.

      However, again I am going to ask you a question I asked several people in a previous blogpost here about Israeli Knocking on Rooftops post. You can search that post either there or i can repeat it here and since i do not know your nationality its an open question to you-

      When was the last time an Israeli did something truely horrendous and bad to your country.....not to the Palestinians whose casue you are espousing but Your Own Country ?

      See, even in India we have lots of political debates and "anger on the street" about the fate of the Palestinians and the bad effects of "Global War on Terror" on Islam in general to which the straight answer is-
      1.) When was the last time Israel did something bad against India as a whole ?
      2.) When was the last time you actualy met a palestinian ?
      3.) When was the last time your Businnes/Cultural/Familiy dealing with the Palestinians suffered because of this trouble. Or, did those dealings even exist ?
      4.) Do you think your country and you as an individual have solved all your problems that you must express "Anger" rather than "Concern" at the distant squablings over a piece of land that you havent even visited once and have no "connections" with whatsoever ?
      5.) And when was the last time your country allowed you as a citizen to suffer unnecessarily in this "Global War on Terror" ?

      If the answers to all these questions is a resounding negative, well........go suck a lemon.
      And these are open ended questions to all and sundry out there.

    4. i am an Arab i meet Palestinians all the time, what will always anger me is watching civilians get killed especially children no matter who did it and that's happening a lot in Gaza.
      your last name indicates your a Sikh Indian from Punjab region and your questions are lovely but ill never tolerate the view pf dead children i even hate killing of animals for no reason.
      and as for the fate of Israel i am only stating my expectation for the future based on logic and past human history, if you have an oracle that can certainly tell you the future or a source up in the sky than you have something i don't have, but for now we cant do much i pray for the best to come out of this.

  8. When Israel made peace with Egypt in 1977 Israel wanted to give Gaza back to Egypt - Egypt refused.

    Then In 1993 it was agreed that the Palestinian Authority will receive control om Gaza which started in 1994

    In 2005 Israel fully withdrew for Gaza

    In 2007 Hamas made a military coup against the Palestinian Authority and created ISIS style regime in GAZA and soon after start attacking Israel with rockets and Israel reacted with "operations" - in the end of 2008 and again in 2012 - from the same reasons as today - hundreds of rockets being fired from Gaza to Israeli cities.

    After each "round" Hamas got money for reconstruction - but the money was used to dig attack tunnels and build rockets - while GAZA population without work.

    Do you know that the international community invested 10 billion dollar in GAZA in the last 20 years - and there is nothing to show for that?

    The solution? - take out Hamas, bring back the Palestinian Authority with the help of the international community and let the IDF fight Hamas in GAZA as it is doing in the west bank.

    1. Well said.Take out HAMAS. Govern the Palestinian Territories with some semblance of a decent political/bureuacratic/security structure so that both sides profit from it.

      But I do have to ask, if Israel starts governing the Palestinian Lands will they include the Palistinians as their own and franchise them with rights similar to their own ?

      Or will they have a semi-refugee or some Protectorate status within their own land ?

    2. Its a nation building process - Palestinians in the West Bank who are under Israeli control from 1967 are the most educated, with the longest life expectancy and income per capita from the rest of the Arab world - excluding of-course the oil rich countries - This is due to Israeli efforts in the last 46 years.

      From political perspective Palestinian Authority is a first step in a long road to be able to become a state - its still far from being able body. Last elections took place 6 years ago - and there are no plans for new one, still a lot of corruption - they are very far from being able to take real control om any territory

      It will take additional 30-40 years for the Palestinians to develop stable self governing abilities - then they will become a state. Until such time they will have an ever growing autonomy

    3. the Hamas coup was a way to stop fateh ( or whom you call Palestinian authority) from removing them, and its not an ISIS like state far from it, and Israel only agreed to peace with Palestinians after a long struggle with Arafat and Palestinian resistance, they had to agree to peace after the intifada when kids thru stones at tanks Israel tried to break the bones of the Palestinians as usual but it didn't work this time, they agreed on Arafat and his organization as the sole representative for Palestinians even though Hamas existed back then, when Arafat was asked to change the agreement and give up the eastern Jerusalem he refused, no Palestinians or Arab or Muslim can give up that mosque there. he was surrounded and besieged in his semi capital in ramallah till he died, and tested showed he was poisoned according to the french.
      Israel responds by offering peace or withdrawing from occupied lands after wars or fighting and seems to me Hamas is only using what seems to have worked, lets see if there bet works on not.
      Israel is on the limits of its power it cant go far from where it is now, i mean as a whole not just in Gaza.

    4. and as for the development in Gaza it wont be developed while being besieged.

  9. The stated objective is to destroy the Tunnels.


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