Monday, July 28, 2014

Tragedy of war in Gaza.

IDF Press Release...
A short while ago, terrorists in Gaza fired rockets at Israel. One of them hit Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. The other hit Al-Shati refugee camp. Hamas fires from civilian areas – and hits its own people.
This is interesting.

While a tragic occurrence it also plays nicely with an Israeli theme that they have been beating the drum on.  Hamas is the root of the suffering in Gaza. MSNBC led with the story that the IDF hit the hospital.  Now?  They're saying nothing.

This public relations/human suffering story will bear watching.

This could be one of those quiet turning points if properly managed. 


  1. Any word on who the outside players are? HAMAS is obviously not going it alone. Who are they proxy for?

    No surprise about MSNBC. Doesn't play with the administration's agenda. Huntly and Brinkly must be weeping in their graves.

  2. This blogger has had a few interesting things to say about the conflict. I can't vouch for his veracity; but he seems intelligent enough.


    If this is true, wouldn't something like this cheaper

    The DART ammo can already intercept Supersonic missiles at 5km and the Vulcano BER version has a range of over 30km.

    1. Meriv - this is old hat. Professor Postol is making a very persuasive case for the Flat Earth theory. I am surprised at Axe for publishing this one-sided report. I happen to live under the Iron Dome umbrella, about 25 miles from Gaza and I can attest that the system is working as advertised. The Israeli media reports all fatalities/wounded/damages and I can rely on that as there are citizens with mibile phone giving WhatsApp/Youtube/Twitter etc. reports of stuff coming down. Prof.Postol notwithstanding the system works.
      Axe eat your hat - Prof.Postol, eat shit.
      On the Otto Malera - I am ex radar directed 40 mm antiaircraft battery commander (many years ago when still in service), so I have an inkling of the conditions and capabilities of this kind of thing. To cover Iron Dome defended territory you need about 150 artillery batteries with very limited celing and range and very large maning and support organisation, instant radar info transfer, etc. Artillery - of all types is a statiscical weapon (still that, though it will change) and dispersion, etc, does not compare to guided interception.

  4. You may like some of the IDF photos on this blog:

  5. This makes one wonder just how many and how often Hamas gets short rounds on their own people.

  6. I just read where the Egyptian's searched John Forbes Kerry (D) SoS Vietnam veteran United States before he met with their leadership.
    That right there says it all about the US policy in the middle east.
    The middle east is gone and the US will not have any say there for a long time to come, the Israeli's better get those nukes polished up they may yet need them.
    Meanwhile the Immigration problem is going to be solved this fall with an end to all immigration laws and the border.
    The Palestinian's are shouting "HAMAS, HAMAS" the immigrants on the southern border are shouting "OBAMA, OBAMA", no one is going to turn this around soon, and from here on out Gaza and Israel are on their own as is the rest of the world The US is going to dissolve into Atzlan.
    Que Sabe?

  7. Good for them. Kerry is by his very nature, untrustworthy.

    1. I feel sorry for the USA for having such an incapable President, who chose such an incapable Foreign Secretary.
      Kery has made so many blunders and offended Egypt, Israel, President Abbas, The EU Foreign Ministers (a few days ago they voted to disarm Hamas) Saudi and all the other Gulf states. He sided with a very small Arab country, Quatar, and an increasingly Islamic and and hostile Turkey (The EU would be well to vomit them out of the organisation- they don't know what the soon to be elected Sultan Erdogan will do to Europe).
      It's turning into a very interesting Middle East. Still Remember Syria, Iraq, Kurds, Lebanon, Hizballah???
      Peace, Brothers
      I wonder if the recently signed 11 Billion dollar order for UA arms has anything to do with that.
      Ban Ki Moon the UN Secretary also sings a different tune when vising Israel and seeing the Hamas rockets and when back in the UN with its large Arab majority (57 Moslem/Arab members) he goes over to the Arab side.
      Hamas attacks and Israel is fearful of responding because of civilian casualties. A win-win sitation for terror!!!! And now they have also Kerry and Obama on their side.

  8. A lot of these rockets are made in backstreet garages by car mechanics and self taught rocket scientists, it wouldn't surprise me if some blew up in Gaza


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