Friday, July 11, 2014

Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector (UHAC) Testing At RIMPAC 2014 (video)

A better, cheaper, faster (if properly updated) and quicker to put into service? Another blast from the past that I had forgotten about but commenter DT recommended. The LARC LX-20!


  1. The one on the top might work if tweaked, the LARC and BARC was good stuff.
    That Starship though was a complete waste of good armor.

  2. 7.5 mph in water. Don't see how that solves the problem.

  3. That M60A2 ''Starship'' tank from the last pic is a blast from the past ! Although the 152mm gun + the Shillelagh missile combo was not a success at all, like in the Sheridan.

  4. The Caimen 90 Fast that the British are looking at isn't a bad connector upgrade. Still, the 200 miles off shore policy is just not going to work for moving any armor.

  5. There is still the french catamaran LCM... For old stuff, it has no interest for industrial to produce old design updated : not enough costly to steal money from taxpayer..


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