Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Vid of police brutalizing handicapped man in a wheel chair...

Just plain wow.

Sometimes words are not enough.


  1. That officer was obviously afraid for his life.

    I mean, there is no way his fat ass could have gotten away from that 3mph electric wheelchair. I'm surprised he didn't haul out his sidearm.

    Seriously though, there is no good reason for this. I hope the guy loses his job at the very least.

    1. a lard ass that thinks he's a bad ass. i'd love to pt with this guy. just a half hour of some hand to hand would get the point across. this was so far over the top that we can't see it.

    2. According to the article the cop was given 30 days suspension and a year of administrative probation. That's a joke.

    3. I find it interesting the entire command staff recommend he be fired. Who pulled strings to make sure he stays on the force? The local police union?

  2. Ohhhhhh, He is a real man ain't he?
    I bet he was the toast of the Cops watering hole.
    Seriously? WTF?

  3. As someone in a very similar power chair, I've ran over dozens of people's feet by accident. Unless your eyes are looking directly down over the edge, you can't see your tires. A chair like that typically weighs 300+lb empty. That's a lot of force to tip it over. If you dump me out like that there is a very good chance I'm dead, no joke. Charge the cop with attempted voluntary manslaughter and every cop on the scene as an accessory.

    1. i honor your courage. to go out in the world today in a chair is in itself an act of bravery in my opinion. and i 100% AGREE with charging the officer with attempted manslaughter. enough is enough. if this doesn't boil the blood of every American then something is wrong.

    2. It isn't bravery, just my reality since I was 2. You people who walk everywhere are are brave, always tripping and shit. :)

      The thing that does worry me in general is that people with disabilities have always been a "respected" minority. Most discrimination towards the disabled is out of honest ignorance (like people not realizing I can indeed do xy and z) or stupidity (like building a ramp but leaving a step at the top), not hate. I really hope that isn't changing because my independence and ability to contribute to society is dependent on the kindness of stranger when things go wrong. There was a story in DC about a guy who rolled off the platform at the metro and onto the tracks (which is why I hate the dc metro even though it is an amazing system for the disabled), 3 guys, veterans, jumped over the third rail to save his ass. But one the other hard there was that story in California about a school security guard who hand cuffed a wheelchair bound student then dumped him out when he spat in the guard's face. Now I'm not defending the student, he's a shit head, and they're a lot of disabled shit heads, but do we really need a law making that action extra illegal?

  4. Disgusting. I'm ashamed that this happened in my state.

  5. Ok, from the NBC news story on this it says it was a Lieutenant who shoved the guy and he was suspended and demoted back to an officer. In my area that is a $10,000 fine for the 30 days and up to 60k a year drop in salary. I know they don't make the same there but I bet he now makes half what he was being paid.

    The commission went with unbecoming conduct, which is a catch all. They can't prove excessive force, but the story got out and made the city look bad.

    Many Mayors and Chief of Police fire officers knowing they will get their job back with all back pay just to be politically correct.

    I'm not saying I would do what he did,because I was ran over by a drunk guy, but I knew he had no clue what was going on. For one I wouldn't stand there and see if he runs over my foot or not. I can bet words were exchanged before the filmed version that has been released.


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