Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wow. Division Artillery is back in the US Army!

via Army Times.
The first step in the Army’s revamped artillery organization — one that will look familiar to some senior officers — took place Wednesday at Fort Bliss, Texas, when the 212th Fires Brigade re-flagged to become the 1st Armored Division Artillery.
The Army has been without such units, called DIVARTYs, since 2004, when a move toward modularity included a redeployment of artillery assets within the command chain for much of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It also led to some units going extended periods without sharpening some of their artillery skills. The new setup is designed to build those skills back up — fast.
Read the whole story but to me this is a no brainer.

If you're going to be relying on smaller, dispersed units then you better have some Ninja's working your supporting fires.  Additionally you better have enough cannons or tubes to make a difference.

Bringing back Division Artillery does all that and more.  Even better.  Tribal knowledge is restored.  Your career path is clear (if you're a cannon cocker) and expertise should be certain (if selection boards get it right).