Saturday, July 19, 2014

Your weekend study assignment. Landing Craft, Amphibious Assault Vehicles & Ship to Shore Maneuver.

First go here to read Navy Matters take on the current state of Landing Craft, Amphibious Assault Vehicles (generic...not a specific vehicle) and USMC/USN ship to shore maneuver concepts.

Then check out the video below.

Now riddle me this.

What the fuck is the plan?  What the hell is HQMC thinking?  Do they even have any idea of how we're going to do future operations?

Please God!  Let the Senate confirm Dunford and lets get some adults back in charge of the United States Marine Corps.

1 comment:

  1. It is becoming increasingly obvious the DoD, JCS, Pentagon, POTUS has no missions that require Amphibious operations by United States Marines. These clowns do not envision a war or battle that would need to make an opposed beach landing.
    If they cannot fly it in or land at a friendly port they ain't gonna even try to get there.
    Future operations?
    Either it's a secret or there isn't one.


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