Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A passion piece to push further involvement...

via The Daily Telegraph
I was on board an Iraqi Army helicopter, and watched as hundreds of refugees ran towards it to receive one of the few deliveries of aid to make it to the mountain. The helicopter dropped water and food from its open gun bays to them as they waited below. General Ahmed Ithwany, who led the mission, told me: “It is death valley. Up to 70 per cent of them are dead.”  Two American aid flights have also made it to the mountain, where they have dropped off more than 36,000 meals and 7,000 gallons of drinking water to help the refugees, and last night two RAF C-130 transport planes were also on the way.  However, Iraqi officials said that much of the US aid had been “useless” because it was dropped from 15,000ft without parachutes and exploded on impact.

The USAF doesn't and wouldn't do that.  I make fun of the boys in blue but to even hint that they lack the professionalism to perform airdrops properly is pure insanity.

The 70 percent being dead?  I have no idea.  It sounds super inflated but I'm not there so I don't know.

This article is obviously a passion piece designed to pull on the heart strings.  We shouldn't take the bait.