Saturday, August 02, 2014

About bringing in those citizens infected with Ebola...UPDATE!

UPDATE:  The below is from the CDC's website.  The page has since been taken down but the WayBack Machine has an archived copy...
Although the disease is rare, it has the potential for person -to-person spread, ... number of droplets expelled into the air by talking, sneezing, o r coughing.
So spare me your normalcy bias.  I'm viewing this in a worse case scenario.  I do not know how we turned into a society that only looked at things through the prism of stuff working out as planned.  I wasn't raised that way and when I look at decisions like this its with an eye of what could go wrong...or more plainly...what happens when sugar turns to shit! 

I've been trying to wrap my head around the thinking that has led to US citizens with Ebola being brought into the country.

My questions......

1.  Does this make sense?  They're dazzling the public with all the precautions they're taking but if they weren't being brought into the country it wouldn't be necessary.  This disease has a 50 - 90% mortality rate.  From what I've read its a horrible way to go.  Why take the risk?

2.  Who actually approved this?  Can the CDC order that US citizens infected with a disease be brought into the country?  Would they have to get the approval of the President?  They aren't telling us who the decision maker was on this issue so we can't focus our questions....and rage at that person or agency.  Why aren't they telling us?

3.  What is the contingency planning if sugar turns to shit?  I haven't heard a thing about the Feds or more importantly what the State and Local govts will do in case the worst happens.  I was told from day one to always plan for the worst.  I can careless about the rosy predictions.  What will happen if this thing goes sideways.

4.  Word has it that the Pentagon is considering sending personnel to help with the outbreak.  The Peace Corps is bringing its people back home.  It has a 21 day incubation period.  Some of the Peace Corps volunteers can be bringing back an epidemic.  We're about to put servicemembers in a fire zone.  Is that smart?

I might be being alarmist but this whole thing smacks of bullshit.  I've seen the govt in action when it comes to disasters.  I've never seen them deal with an epidemic.

Confidence is not high.  Alarmist or not I will check preps.