Thursday, August 07, 2014

Blast from the past. US Marine Tanks, Guadalcanal, circa 1942

"Grinding through the sands of Guadalcanal, U.S. Marine tanks rumble through palm trees toward the front lines to assist ground forces turn back counter-attacking Japanese."
From the collection of Clifton B. Cates (COLL/3157), United States Marine Corps Archives & Special Collections


  1. That's some real gem, rare pic of M2A4. Who would think that they had there almost 50 of them.

  2. Off topic:

    Obama authorizes limited airstrikes in Iraq. (Limited? Vs ISIS? Is he serious?)

  3. Some years ago, I had the chance to visit some of these battlefields. The detritus of battle was still laying all around as if the battle had ceased only a few months before. The heat radiating off of the jungle foliage was intense even though we were only a few hundred yards from the beach. The only sound was of insects and the occasional monkey.

    As I sat there and looked at all the wrecked equipment (there were some M2A4s there as well) I started to get an appreciation for what our fathers and grandfathers must have experienced there. It was a time for reflection and those hours have left a real impression on me.

    If you ever get the chance to visit this or any US battlefield. take the visit. It will help you understand why those of us that serve or served felt the need to protect this great land of ours.

    Well, didn't mean to get so sappy but I remember those hours as vividly as any other operation.

    1. preaching to the choir brother! preaching to the choir! the problem isn't with those that have served but with the lazy, crazy, self absorbed idiots that seem to be all over the place...people that have done nothing, been nowhere but think that their opinion counts.

      ok, that was a rant, but you get the idea. we're led by sheep and facebook fans instead of warriors and historians.

    2. This l'il Tank had one 37 mm main gun and five Machine guns, best for Banzai charges!
      Good thing the Japanese tanks were absent at best and inferior at least.
      Reminds me of the old saying of a Marine Recon going into a fight armed with a K-Bar and a hangnail while considering himself well equipt!


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