Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Expect more Ferguson's.... I'm calling it!

"We are jobless men, and this is our job now -- getting justice," he said. "If that means violence, that's OK by me.  Anonymous Ferguson Protester
Operative words in the above quote...jobless...

I'm calling it as far as an economic collapse approaching ... and fast.  The Arab Spring?  The US State Dept would say that it was a call for freedom.  The reality was that it was all based on poor economic conditions in those nations.  You don't see the same thing in Europe and the US because we have a much criticized safety net.  But thats a misnomer.  It isn't a safety net for individuals but a safety net for governments.

How do you keep people from rebelling?  You keep them fed and somewhat comfortable.

People are hot about the issues in Ferguson but for the first time we're finally hearing the truth. Its about the economy.  Racial strife might be a part but its mostly about the economy and the police shooting is serving as a nice, pleasant substitute for the real issue.

I'm calling it now.

We're going to see alot more of this...and soon.  No one wants to protest in the winter time, especially in the Northeast corridor where they're extremely vulnerable to this type of thing.

And watch out for this Oct.  I don't know why that is the crazy month for bad things with the stock market but it is and things are slowing down.

This will get more interesting before its all over.

Expect more Ferguson's, more unrest, and much more drama before the winter snows calm everything down.

You heard it here first.