Monday, August 25, 2014

Experts are saying the Foley execution might have been fake?

via Jerusalem Online.
In a documentation issued by the organization last week, Foley is seen on his knees, speaking to the camera and executed afterwards. The footage goes blurry as the execution begins and it is possible to see the militant slashing his throat with the knife.
Experts that watched the documentation say they encountered three main questions that arise from it. The first issue is the blood missing from the footage entirely. They argue that we should have seen blood pouring from his neck out of the main arteries.
Another puzzling issue relates to the sound track of the documentation, as just before the execution a "bleep" sound can be heard, which may imply that the militant was required to perform a re-recording of some of his remarks.
The third issue, which affects the entire video’s reliability, is the calmness of Foley, who seems like he is not upset by the fact he will be executed in the next few minutes.
I don't know.

What I do know is that I've seen plenty of Arabs marched off to their deaths without any resistance.  I've seen instances where they sit calmly while their throats are being sliced, sit patiently while their murderer is preparing to shoot them in the back of the head, etc...

I believe its cultural.

Foley was in captivity for so long that the cultural curiosity that appears to be seen in the Arab population transferred to him.  That's why he didn't struggle.  That's why he didn't fight back even though his life was on the line.