Wednesday, August 20, 2014

F-35 delayed/late again...can the USMC get its armored vehicles now?

Thanks to Eric for the link!

via Investors Business Daily
The radar-evading plane was supposed to be combat-ready by next July, according to Bloomberg News, but the F-35 still needs to pass in-flight software testing. Currently, the software testing for the Marine Corps edition of the plane, the most technologically complex of the models, is five months behind schedule.
"Many test points remain blocked or difficult to achieve because" of the flight restrictions, Jennifer Elzea, a spokeswoman for the Pentagon director of operational testing, told Bloomberg. "This may cause further delays in completing" testing of the software.
They were trying to rush this plane into service for one reason.  To ramp up production in the vain hope of "driving down the cost curve"....they've failed.


Now that this turkey is doing as predicted and strangling itself like its strangled USMC procurement, can we slow it the fuck down and buy some armored vehicles before we find our Marines fighting ISIS, or Boko Haram or some other group of degenerate animals that seem to be all over the planet?

1 comment :

  1. If they do get new vehicles I know an organisation with two large ships with several acres of parking to help move 'em around the globe. Write to,

    Ministry of Defence,


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