Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ferguson police are full of shit!

Watching the Chief of Police of Ferguson, Missouri.

He's full of shit!

First we got word of airspace restrictions.  The reason?  Supposedly police helicopters were getting shot at.  News media did not report any such thing.  Additionally he just said that Molotov cocktails were thrown at police last night.  Again, news media reported no such thing.

We're seeing a common playbook emerge for how police deals with things.

1.  Cut off airspace so new helicopters can't record events.
2.  Make outlandish claims about what they're facing.
3.  Restrict news media to certain locations so that the story can't get out of police over reach.

We're living in a chilling time.

ISIS is bad, but one on one or even a group of them wouldn't stand a chance against armed citizens.  The bigger threat is out of control police forces.