Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Has the Hannibal Protocol run its course?

Thanks for the link Maurice!

via Times of Israel.
Hamas operatives were waiting in ambush. Two soldiers, Major Benaya Sarel and Staff Sergeant Liel Gidoni, were killed, and a third, Lt. Hadar Goldin, was abducted.
Other members of their unit, Sayeret Givati, moved under fire to the fallen soldiers but did not at first realize that one of the three bodies was a fallen Hamas man, perhaps in IDF uniform, according to the Haaretz report. When it became clear that Goldin was missing, though, the officers in the field did not have to unfurl a long explanation over the army radio frequency. All they needed to do was utter a single word: Hannibal.
The Hannibal Protocol was drafted in the summer of 1986 – one year after the lopsided Jibril Agreement, in which Israel traded 1,150 security prisoners in exchange for three Israeli soldiers, and several months after the ensuing abduction of the soldiers Yosef Fink and Rafael Alsheikh. The idea was to establish a set procedure, known to all soldiers, to limit the success of any abduction operation.
Read the entire article but I marvel at some Israelis.  They have the wolf at the door and instead of girding themselves for battle...they equivocate.

I thought the left in the United States was loony.  The left in Israel is worse.

Not only is the Hannibal Directive necessary but it needs to be strengthened. Mark my words, Hamas or some other terrorist outfit will capture an Israeli Soldier or Civilian and they will be decapitated with the video posted on YouTube.  

Its just a matter of time.  The directive is tough medicine, but it just might prevent a larger war from occurring and national fear.  The liberals there just don't understand the reality of the world we live in.


  1. Sadly with the ceasefire about to end the protocol is still relevant.

    The Israeli leaders appear hesitant in the face of the vicious vitriol they have endured from the worlds Jew Haters because Israel had the audacity to defend its citizens from random Hamas initiated violence. Liberal outrage at unintended civilian casualties suffered by the Arabs during Israel's self defense.

    The Israeli leadership need to finish Hamas off as quick as possible and wage a simultaneous blitzkrieg media campaign to link Hamas to ISIS as they are both the spawn of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The Israeli Foreign Minister seems to have the correct mind-set.
    Explain what the Muslim Jihadists plan for the West and use all the graphic video and pictures available regardless of the horrors they depict.

    Pro-Isis leaflets distributed in London’s Oxford Street,Authorised=false.html?

  2. I feel the basic problem with liberals is that they have a "normalcy bias" that has never been tested or been forced to be held up to a harsh reality. Its one thing to hang-out in coffee shops in your safe western neighborhood and "solve the worlds problems." It is probably natural to feel that most people want the same things that you do or think in the same way.

    Unless you have been face to face with a stone-cold killer or had to watch your buddy(or family member) die in front of you because the other side feels you deserve death for being different, you just don't get it. Maybe you just can't get it.

    It is the defining moment of anyone's life when you are forced to realize that for whatever reason, you are face to face with someone or something that you cannot share the world with. One of you has got to go. One of you will go. The other has made it clear. Only one will walk away.

    You have to decide "will it be me or him?"

    Sounds like a movie plot line but when I talk politics with my liberal friends, this, I feel, is the difference. They haven't been tested. I understand their intentions and in a perfect world, I would hope that it could be so. But its not and I realize that their convictions won't change until they are tested themselves.

    I marvel at the Israeli's restraint. I wonder how anyone can criticize their decisions to go after Hamas. Especially the British who responded to the Blitz with burning down German cities. Hamas has declared war. They have created the conditions of the fight and the Israelis have done everything to lessen the collateral damage to civilians. I weep for the poor people of Gaza that are being used as human shields by these animals.

    I know that if Hamas was targeting those same western coffee shops, they would see a dramatic change in attitudes toward them. I hope there is a special place in Hell for all of them.

  3. Publicly abandoned, privately followed to the letter.
    Among the troops there will be a code red affair like the old Marine code. Your buddies will see to it you don't be a star in a video beheading.
    Even if it kills ya.


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