Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Heavy wheel BMP "ATOM"

Thanks to info-infanterie for the link.  All pics via War Diary Igor Korochenko

NOTE:  I've got to get up to speed on Russian armor projects.  I thought this was called Boomerang.  Additionally I think (definitely not sure) that this is a joint French/Russian program.  Will the sanctions affect it?  Interesting vehicle though and that cannon will change the battlefield.  Instead of a two mile range you're talking about seven or eight. 


  1. The Boomerang is different project, for Russian Army. The ATOM join France/Russia project is mainly for export.

  2. The project is frozen and nearly dead. Renault Trucks (the french side of this project) is part of Volvo of Sweden and both compagnies have ceased coop with russians (temporaly for the moment) since the ''events''. A part from thant Putin has clearly said that he want Russia to have is own defense industry, totally independent from foreign technologies.

  3. Whoa, Chief, we got a math problem.

    "Instead of a two mile range you're talking about seven or eight. "

    This is the number from the article: "armed with automatic gun with a rate of 120-140 rounds per minute at a distance of 6000 meters."

    6 klicks is a tad more reasonable than 7 miles.

    and it's dead in the water. The Russians might use ideas or technology, but they have their own Armata project

    1. going off the caliber of the gun ... a 57mm cannon. seven to eight is what i think. where are you getting your stats from.

    2. In any case even 6000m(its a bit wierd as the gun and turret brochures suggest 6000m even in airdefence mode so gun has to be capable of more to be useable as AAA with 6000m ceiling) already outside most ATGMs in any case ATOM is an low cost export model ,while Bumerang is a more sofisticated piece of kit for Russian military. Turret and gun are proposed to be used in many applications including naval mount on ships.

    3. From the link provided and translated, quoted by yours truly

      that isn't a Naval gun, it's closer to an AA gun

    4. 57mm is now a standard naval gun. its used as an all around weapon, anti-air and anti-surface.

    5. True enough, but I believe the direct lineage is to the 57mm gun in the ZSU-57-2, which was also being kicked around as an armament upgrade for the PT-76. As for the range, the big thing with the 57mm is the range at which it will penetrate a modern IFV or even the side of a modern MBT, at least with modern ammunition. Effective direct fire range doesn't depend so much on the gun itself: just 4000m would be a long shot for any modern MBT and the 'record' shot was 5100m by a Challenger in GW1.

    6. Yes, there are 57mm Naval guns, but I'll but dollars to donuts this is not one of them. This gun's lineage is most likely based on the old Soviet AA cannon as sfo milspec mentioned.

      In addition to that, the 6km claim is from the story about the vehicle you linked to. Where are you getting the 7 or 8 miles?

    7. 57mm is a versatile gun with a heavy punch and has been used as anti tank gun (ASU-57) ,AAA and Naval mount http://www.burevestnik.com/products_engl/1.html

      Useful range depends on fire control and in naval versions where you normally have good firecontrol system range is really close to 7miles in vehicles you are often limited to lesser range due to optic based fire control vs radar based(or combination of radar and optics) on naval or AAA mounts

  4. Solomon has joined the experts, Adolph, Ho, Stalin, Castro, Mao and Putin with censorship of his blog. Apparently criticism of his lack of critical thinking skills is not allowed

  5. What a thoughtfull vehicle. Makes the enemy think whether its profile from a distance is that of a tank or a light APC. Baah...what the heck, looks like a tank, put a round into it anyway. That protective sleeve that extends from the turret to 3/4's of the barrel sure does make its profile like a tank cannon to any enemy tank gunner in the heat of battle.

    Any enemy soldiers/officers who will attend intelligence briefing about opposition equipement will remember the "High Performance 57mm" on it. Then they shall target thin skinned APC's the same way they target tanks. Thin skinned APC's and their Infantry component.

  6. Don't forget about a limit range of fire that depends on terrain, you could fire at 6 km mainly in deserts not in typical european terrain if you use a direct fire mode.

  7. Using Naval munitions technology the Atom will be capable of firing precision indirect fire rounds up to 16Km or 9.5 miles.
    The primary weapons engineer's interview is on YouTube with English subtitles.


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