Friday, August 01, 2014

Homeland Security News. Why are they importing Ebola into the US? UPDATE!

via NBC News.
Emory University Hospital in Atlanta said Thursday it was preparing a special isolation unit to receive a patient with Ebola disease “within the next several days”.
“We do not know at this time when the patient will arrive,” Emory said in a statement. The university also did not say whether the patient was one of two Americans battling Ebola infection in Liberia – charity workers Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly.
Read the story at the link but I have one simple and perhaps even simplistic question.

Why would you knowingly transport an infected patient into one of the US' biggest cities to provide treatment that will most likely not succeed in saving their life?

The doctor and nurse (or aidworker, I'm not sure) were experienced in dealing with the Ebola virus and became infected.  I can easily see a repeat but this time on US soil.  Someone in the hospital flubbs containment procedures, takes it home, spreads it to his wife and kids....the kids take it to school and suddenly we're looking at "outbreak" in Atlanta.

I don't know all the facts but this seems like a really stupid idea.  Bless the sick but two people are not worth the risk of starting a pandemic.

UPDATE:  The President signed an amendment to an executive order just YESTERDAY that expands on his authority to quarantine Americans if they have respiratory problems .... check it out here, here and here.  Interesting isn't it.