Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I feel a demonstration of a MEB & a couple SPMAGTF-CR coming....

via War is Boring.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says 130 more U.S. troops are now in northern Iraq, where Kurdish forces are battling Islamic State Sunni extremists.
These new advisers include Marines and some members of the other military branches. The Pentagon already has 40 people at a Joint Operations Center in Irbil, the Kurdish regional capital.
This shared headquarters likely has been working to figure out what Kurdish forces can and can’t do—and what they might be need in their fight against Islamic State. On Monday, Pres. Barack Obama announced a plan to step up military aid to Iraqi forces, including the Kurds.
But Hagel described the new contingent as an “assessment team.” The contingent will only be working to figure out “the scope of the humanitarian crisis” in the region, a DoD News report explained.
A little explanation.

The 1st MEB has been doing a large scale exercise at 29 Palms.  They've suddenly gone quiet.

Additionally the SPMAGTF-CR for Africa is back at its base (at last check) and one was being assembled for the Middle East.

While two SPMAGTF-CR's are still smaller than one MEU, you can bet that the HQMC is aching for them to participate in a HA/DR of those people trapped on the mountain.  Additionally because you have two SPMAGTF-CR's coming together with what I can guess will be US Army, USAF, USN and allied forces that makes it a joint command .... the very scenario that makes the MEB viable.

I don't know the behind the scenes politics but I would bet that we're going to see MV-22's, CH-47's (US Army, British and Canadian) and several French aircraft evacuating people.

Additionally you can bet that you're going to see a massive airpower display with everyone working out their latest toys.

Get ready for the rally round the flag moment...and more than a little chest thumping from Amos (on his way out the door) and his sycophants....if it works out well that is.


  1. With the way u explained it, it seems like its working out too well for Amos. I've heard of people fabricating events and such for their own gain, Amos could be doing that.

    1. Amos is an opportunist. Marines and SOCOM are the flavor of the month in the Pentagon. Mix those two together with Amos telling the President that the USMC and SOCOM can get those people off the mountain with few if any casualties and Obama is all over it.

      i heard a report that fewer people are on the mountain than expected so that a rescue isn't necessary. i believe that's disinformation. we'll see.

  2. Don't wait too much french transport aircraft, we're short on them with africa. perhaps some A400, freshly recieved by our airforce.
    But we have a full squadron of Rafales in Abu dabhi..


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