Friday, August 01, 2014

Kevin Martin Pics....Your weekend wallpaper...


  1. Can't wait to see these in FAB colors


    More f35 critique

  3. The Gripen was supposed to replace the F-5 but it's perfkrmance was inferior to the Swiss F-18 with EPE engines.
    Watch this video and you will appreciate the maneaverability of thr Hornet compared with the Gripen. Even the F-5 pilots look more aggressive. I think the Swiss public made a favor to the Swiss airforce rejecting the Gripen.

    1. Lad, you interpretation in wrong. They reject NOT the Gripen, they reject spending money on ANY Air force modernization. Gripen was not there to replace F-18 but F-5... and now the old, very, very old F-5 will be not replaced by anything and soon they will stop flying. The political group behind that referendum want to total disarm of Swiss so, favor? Not at all.

    2. That's what a said. They need to replace the F-5 not the Hornets. The natural replacement of the small F-5 is the Golden Eagle at 25 to 30 million piece, not a small fighter that cost like a big one.

    3. Hmm, no. The Gripen is an excellent platform that is cheaper than about anything else that fits in the same role while ALSO being very good at it. The new version is even more promising, with features like supercruise. It outclasses the golden eagle (which is also a very good plane) in many aspects.

      The swiss people rejected any plane, not the Gripen specifically, and NOT based on technical analysis. The level of stupidity there is so big that one of the idiots in their parlament proposed a turboprop for intercepting planes.

      The government itself is commited to buying it, but the pacifist mindset of their people is stopping them from being able to procced with the purchase. And that's not even counting the amount of participation Switzerland was to have in the program, off-setting part of the cost spent with local jobs and the like.

    4. For the same price they could buy Rhinos, similar to their Hornets.

  4. Superrhinoceront's propaganda aside, that's a sick looking jet!!


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