Saturday, August 16, 2014

Need Russian speakers to help please!

Thanks for the link Robert!

Ok two things.

First according to Robert the above vid shows that the Russians are now directly supporting the rebels with equipment.  He identifies the above vehicle as a BTR-82A.  Its obviously one of the upgraded models as you can easily see due to the improved turret and cannon.

Second.  Robert says that the "Allah Akbar" is simply a joke among separatists because they're being called terrorist by Kiev.

Thats where my need for Russian speakers comes in.  I love getting links and info from readers but this is a huge development.  What exactly are they saying on the vid here?


  1. Someone said that one picture can say more then a thousand words. This is one of that pictures... BTR-82A, is not in equipment roster of Ukrainian Armed Forces. If we believe data that swim thru voids of internet there are only two operators of this vehicle, the Kazakhstan and Russian Federation. The answer from where they get this one... is rather simple.

    And also there is THIS:

    As Sol said some Russian speaking lad is needed to confirm the info, the translation on news site say that on this vid Aleksandr Zacharczenko leader of DNR say that they receive significant reinforcement in form of 1200 men that were trained in Russia for last 4 months with 30 tanks and 120 IFV's.

    1. i said in the post that Russia is directly arming the rebels now so that is no longer in question in my mind. the only thing left is the Muslim terrorist thing.

    2. The can be Chechen's as dominant religion there is Islam. But Robert said it can be a joke "terrorists = Muslims".

    3. Index finger pointing to the sky and saying alakhakbar is pretty fucking muslim to me.

    4. According to Robert it's something you wouldn't like... Perhaps they want to destroy America and things like that?

    5. Shas. He says 1200 volunteers trained in Russian territory. He however says nothing about 150 vehicles (30 tanks and 120 IFV's.) from Russia in that vid.

      And solomon the vid that I gave you. There is nothing important said there: The camera men that points the cam on himself say: continuing further with the program "This is war". The other guys repeat "this is war" and then chant Allah ackbar.

      This is like their joke. One of the commanding seps ..a Christian even nicknamed his vehicle the "Jihad mobile" as a joke.

      There is even mentioned by the seps as a joke a while ago. If they yell Allah Ackbar enough NATO might start assisting them.

    6. @Andrius

      Does breaking into faux German when complaining griping about the Federal Government make me a NAZI? Some humor is irrevocably local.

    7. jaja mein schatz, but those guys are for real - accent, index finger pointing.

  2. A link to recent news from front ATO..they loosing it?
    sorry if this is 2nd post

  3. He says something like 'these guys will be supporting us' ... 'this is war'... And I can tell you one thing for sure - those guys with the beards in the background, they are not Ukrainians or russians, judging by their accent, chechens or thereabouts.
    Again, finger to the sky, alakh akbar, this is definitely not a joke to them.

    1. Please do tell me where and whom in that vid said " these guys will be supporting us"

    2. mixed it up, it's in another video from the same guy,

    3. Yes, these are definitely not Russians and this don't seem like a joke. They even speak with the chechen accent. I would say it's very bad russian (except of the guy who speaks at the camera). It's not a secret that Chechens are there.

  4. First, the camera man makes a joke, "we are continuing our TV show "This is war", he then moves the camera towards the beardies, they say "This is war". There is some mumbling in the language I dont understand. Also, more importantly, I overheard "Inshalla" spoken by someone of the beardies, and some mumbling in a language that doesn't sound Russian. These are most probably, judging by the accent, are Osetians or Abkhazi, maybe some other muslim people from southern Russia. Not Tatars - Tatars generally speak Russian, without accent. Although maybe even Tatars, from some villages that are barely on the map, and where they mainly speak Tatar and not Russian.

  5. Afghan fighting in the Ukraine

  6. some guns identified

  7. wish the AAV had those capabilities.

  8. The Russian's are not fools, they will hire mercs, the US had Muslim's fighting against Muslim's in Iraq and Afghanistan, still do. Then again running a line of bullshit to confuse distract and maybe scare the shit out of Ukraine would be easy if they thought Russia was tuning the be-headers loose on them. It could be some Muslim Chechen are loyal Russian citizens ready willing and able to fight for Mother Russia.
    One very important thing must be kept in mind, Look across the Black Sea, that's Turkey and not far away is ISIS and every other extremist Muslim faction.
    Russian's may just be taking Ukraine because they see the hell that's coming after Turkey falls to ISIS.
    At this stage anything is possible.
    BTR-82A, I guess it's ready for a hot war test.

  9. Youtube has CC that can be set for translation in english.

  10. I beg to analyze the situation in general. Below are another similar video.

    What a personally can say about all this video. It is a provocation, coinciding in time with info about supply of old T-72 to former Ukraine from Hungry. Interesting features of the vid:
    - According to the square searchlight above the BTR ( – it is BTR-82 AM mod.
    - According to the abbreviation “СРС” it allegedly can mean “special radio communication” – a GRU special squad.
    - According to just only one thing, directly connected with Ukraine – a car with Ukrainian auto registration number.
    - In my humble opinion diction and accent of hypothetical Caucasians belongs to waynah lang group (chechenians or ingushi), not dagestanian or cherkessian. I was myself in Dagestan during military practice and talk with representatives of all this Caucasians nations. But not an expert of course.
    - One the vid it was declared “Dmitrovka-Snezhnoe” – on this direction Ukrainian troops suffered very painful loses ( - burned and fragmented corpses – be careful).
    - The current military leader of the Donetsk people republic officially said that the Republic recently have got 1 000 fighters fresh after drilling in Russia.
    - Too dangerous tactic of using BTR as a shield for the assault – absolutely wrong against Ukrainians with their big guns, I’ve never seen the performance of the tactic among the rebels

    So, according all this suppositions above, I suppose this vids are provocations – new armor, Caucasians, GRU – all nightmares of Ukrainian army and Nazis in one small bottle. Too open and without direct marks of the vids was on Ukraine as such.
    But they achieve their goals – Ukraian Nazis’ bricks make the 2 Great Wall in the Internet.
    My hart desires it to be truth and our excellent appears on the scene – a lot of our enemies are in pockets by now – its time” to gather in the harvest”. But by mind it is obviously fake, easy to disprove and undo.

    1. I suppose it's the usual "we piss you in the eyes but say that it's raining" approach that managed to get russia this far without serious repercussions, but people are starting to see certain patterns in your info warfare. Like, labeling every proof a fake, driving discussions off topic, focusing on meaningless facts and details, and publicly denying any involvement. But if you take a serious look at the map, and focus on the neighbors of dombabve and luganda, you'll notice that the armor, weapons, ammo can only come from one, single, really aggressive neighbor with very specific interests and a history of occupying sovereign country's territory. So all the chitchat aside, fuck you, Russia.

  11. At the end they say "we go to assault"


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