Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Russian aid trucks heading to Ukraine.

via USA Today.
MOSCOW (AP) — A convoy of 280 Russian trucks reportedly packed with aid headed for eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, but Ukraine said it wouldn't let the mission in because it isn't being coordinated by the international Red Cross and could be a covert military operation.
The neutral agency said it had no information on what the trucks were carrying or where they were going. That has raised fears in Ukraine and the West, where leaders have voiced concerns that Russia could use the initiative as a pretext for sending troops into separatist-held territory.
Russian television and news agencies reported that 2,000 tons of aid was en route to Ukraine, where fighting between pro-Russian separatists and government forces has claimed more than 1,300 lives since April, according to a U.N. report.
The Kiev gov is in a no win situation.  Either they allow the Russian aid trucks in, not knowing exactly what they're carrying or they deny entry and they suffer the ramifications of an entire region of their country dying in view of the rest of Europe.

Looming over all of this is the R2P.

It really looks like Russia is setting the table to justifiably go in to protect Ukrainian citizens that are being savaged by the ongoing fighting.

NOTE:  I forgot who first raised the issue on this blog, but winter is rapidly approaching.  That will be the make or break time for this conflict.  The city will be starving and without heat.  Summer soldiers will have to fight in the cold....and trust me.  The cold will make a man out of you!  Ill equipped Kiev forces better get it done and quick or they're going to lose it all in November and December.


  1. Red Cross inform that Russia did not contact with them about this transport, they don't know where it's going and what it's carrying. Ukraine will not allow that this convoy enter it's territory under control of Russians. They also said that if this truck will cross Ukrainian border it will be done only under direct control of Red Cross and OSCE. With that the humanitarian aid from EU and US will be send to the region.

    I start to read more and more about this convoy as "Trojan Convoy".

  2. Just do a huge VCP under heavy guard... very heavy.

  3. By-the-by, new vid about Ukrainian loses in the Southern pocket - dozens were destroyed or captured by rebels.


    1. have you looked at the map of the anti-terrorist operation recently?

    2. All maps are approximate - became wrong too fast...But wat do you mean? That Ukrainians step-by-step win their strategy in this battle? Yes, they are.
      But the more mashinery they loose, the faster they loos the war as such.

    3. what makes you think they'll lose the war?

    4. grivna currency index in comparisson to $
      in Yanukovich times it was 8 grivnas to 1$. Now it is more then 13 grivnas to 1 $

      It is just one example - they have no enough resorses to win this war properly. We spent milliards to win Checenian war and establish there peace afterwards. We separated two regions apaprt from Georgia to prevent supply routs to Chechnya.
      But former Ukraine has no milliards (Donbas population is in 7 times bigger then Chechnya) and they can't separate Russian regions.
      And "Winter is coming".

    5. According to some sources, Chechen war wasn't won in the classical sense. Kadyrov's (and then his son's) loyalty was bought at what some might call, overpriced conditions.
      "Putin pays a high price for the allegiance of this warlord. The Russian government spent $30 billion in the North Caucasus from 2000 to 2010, and plans to deliver a further $80 billion of federal funds to the region’s 9 million population by 2025. Among the projects this tide of cash will pay for is a world-class ski resort in Chechnya. Even so, unemployment in the republic remains at more than 36 percent; poverty in the villages is grinding; and hundreds of people die every year in continuing clashes with mainly jihadist guerrillas."
      You also seem to underestimate the sanctions against Russia - which are quite likely to put it into depression next year. And then again, EU + USA is what, approx 40 percent of world's GDP, while Russia is what... 3 percent?
      And one more thing: never underestimate the power and will of people fighting for their country. While there are always traitors in every populace, even if Russia invades, and starts holding ground, I bet we'll be seeing an insurgency way above the level of what was seen in Chechnya - and Russia just doesn't have enough cash to buy their loyalty.

    6. to Andrius Juozapaitis

      @According to some sources, Chechen war wasn't won in the classical sense.@
      Beg to differ, anti-Russian forces were dispersed and totally destroyed, all noticeable Chechenian field commanders were killed. And anyway it always were clans in Chechnya, who support Russians, Chehcenian wars had character of civilian ones. Money was afterward. A lot of money, and I guess our damn magistrates-hucksters have stolen a lot here. But it is an another story.

      @You also seem to underestimate the sanctions against Russia - which are quite likely to put it into depression next year.@
      No, I didn’t. But, we have the same in our Past. We, Russia, are a original civilization, with our own pros and contras, with our own unique way. One of our main “contra” – we prone to develop our science in the way “how to develop a great bomb to keep our geopolitical competitors in terror”, but do not develop science regularly as the System. So we have developed schools in one hemisphere of science (connected with atom, cosmos, weapon) but totally lose in others (sociology, financial, law, IT and computer technology). And as the result we need sometimes to mitigate our competition with nominal West to implement their achievements to our civilization. It was in times of tsar Peter-the-Great and empress Ekaterina-the-Great, in times of Lenin and Stalin, and now I times of Putin we have the same period.
      There is a general law – “demands always increasing but resources always are limited”. We, Russians in the sake of our great ancestor have about 25 % of world’s resources – just for several % of world’s population. The West suffers because of lack of resources and in general Western mutual civilization is in implicit crisis – so it can’t be equal relation between us. All financial and market situation is designed in Western interest and for Western advantage and profit. It doesn’t suit us and we try to change it, of course it will be conflict with all its effects: sanctions, looses, proxy and even may be Global war. It is predictable and is not new for Russia.

      @EU + USA is what, approx 40 percent of world's GDP, while Russia is what@
      Why do you keep Russia single in this comparison? To compare united West with BRICS looks like more fitting. The time of western supreme is over. BRICS designs new world.

      @Russia just doesn't have enough cash to buy their loyalty@
      What? Loyalty? I guess this game is about death, not about any kind of affirmative loyalty. It looks like time to close 300-years Ukraine’s project has come. For Russians Ukrainians by now are traitors, Nazis and must-die enemies. No matter equal it or not – now it goes in simple logic of war, only one will finally survive.
      And of course it is not new for us too. The most accurate analogy is termination of Novgorod’s republic – it was times of Ivan-the-Terrible tsar. Novgorod was a reach realm because of trading with European countries, and in Novgorod so called “golden belt” were top-dogs: tycoons who control authority and economy of Novgorod’s republics. The more expensive belt a tycoon had, the more powerful he was. They provided negotiations with Europeans about economic and military alliance, including getting Catholic religion.
      At the end of the story Ivan-the-terrible troops appeared on the scene and sunk Novgorod’s republic in their own blood, “golden belts” were hanged via their own belts. And afterwards no one heard something about “independent Novgorod’s republic”.
      It looks like Donbass became somewhat a boiling cauldron for Ukrainian machinery and personnel. And the more our enemy will be boiled there – the better.

    7. Bggg, The Bear then, monkey do not live in our climate. The Bear with Nuke - this image in front of Western people suits me absolutely.

    8. There are certain gun calibers which can take down a bear with ease. Or a pack of dogs. Or piranhas. Or sanctions. We'll see how this unfolds, but short of pressing the big red button, putler's choices are somewhat limited in the long run, if he decides to confront the west.

    9. @There are certain gun calibers@
      Western countries have mostly anti-Papuans war technology (all this aircraft-carriers, drones and satellites) which is wrong weapon to kill the Nuke- Bear with guarantee. Using our tactic weapon we can burn all the West, then turn and burn again. Of course, it is a “weapon of last chance” but anyway.
      Would you be so kind do not offend a man who presents my country in dialog with me.
      @choices are somewhat limited in the long run@
      The nominal West is not all the world. We can trade with other countries. We have a lot of cards to play this game

    10. Oh, I am not offending ВВХ. What he's doing is just a mirror image of Hitler (see Sudetetenland), so there's nothing wrong with the nickname.
      Nominal west? Well, Russia has been kicked out from G8, there have been calls to kick it out from G20 as well, but it still has unanimous support of N.Korea, Syria and Venezuela, and to some extent Kazakhstan, Belorus, with Chinese already bent over the map of Syberia. Your friend list is shrinking, so that 'back in the ussr' might actually become true in the next decade. If that's the future you want to live in - be my guest, but don't be surprised everyone in the modern world doesn't share your feelings.

    11. @just a mirror image of Hitler (see Sudetetenland),@
      So you can find Hitler in almost all Western leaders (see Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria). Do you know that in time of NATO’s mission in Afghanistan producing of drugs there increased in several dozens times (according some estimation – until 40 times)? Do you know that because of drugs (mostly from Afghanistan) and their side-effects about 100 000 Russians died each year? Who is Hitler?
      @has been kicked out from G8@
      So what this G 8 was? USA+ its poodles+ Russia – it was temporary construction for us.
      @with Chinese already bent over the map of Syberia.@
      Bggg! I feel Ukrainian smell in all this “ВВХ” and “ bent over the map of Syberia”. It is their beloved scrap. We share our natural resources with China, and with EU as well. Exchange for money. What is wrong?
      @N.Korea, Syria and Venezuela, and to some extent Kazakhstan, Belorus@
      We almost have nothing to do with N. Korea. But just recent our geopolitical contacts – Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Argentina.
      @Your friend list is shrinking@
      I guess we need no friends – we need partners. A lot of us are fed up to the back teeth with all this ‘’friends” and “brothers”. Partners. For money.
      @the modern world@
      Bggg. We Russians are orthodox in all senses. We (most part of us) have no need in your “modern world” with all this LBGT-parades, liberal economy and other western features. Every thing we need we already took from the West. If anyone is ill about LBGT-parade – one can share it in Western countries.
      Live in the way you wish, but do not forget to pay for goods in the way compelled by contracts. If you want so much to dictate to us what is bad and what is good – so attack and we will see whose Truth is more mighty.

    12. None of the Western leaders used force to annex foreign lands recently. See the difference?
      re drugs (wtf?) - I don't see Russia invading Afghanistan (o wait.. I remotely remember how that ended last time).
      re chinese - putler signed a transsiberian gas pipeline contract with the chinese, which costs few tens of billions USD to build, and the price is what, 350USD per 1km3 - which is less than Poland pays at the moment. Not to mention, certain sanctions are going to hurt this project - so technically, putler wants to suck off the chinese so that he can annoy the USA. Which is becoming a major gas exporter as we speak.
      re friends - just so happens, the once friendly partners who also paid for russian goods, have been embargoed by mr hitler junior last week in quite a few of trade positions. And just a quick reminder - once proud nation of Iran after it's been hit by the sanctions which they didn't give a shit about, is now silently crying in the corner and praying they would be lifted.
      re orthodox moronic russians - you just confirm my point, again. You don't really need freedom - you just need a fuehrer. So you got what you deserve.

    13. @putler signed@

      I've asked you to avoid direct abuse. So you are going to my ignore list.

  4. Free Gaza Flotilla

    Watch the lefties squirm...

  5. i wouldn't call slapping a few recoil-less rockets on a vehicle a major upgrade. hillbilly weapons tech at best.

  6. the bars are cool tho - quite effective against RPGs

  7. to Solomon

    fresh info about french-Russian Atom

  8. @How many parts are made in Ukraine?@
    Ukrainians use only soviet weapon with machinery, I saw some Hammers – but it is really “some” .

    @So these pictures won't tell us anything.@
    Correct. But in this way all info about the war can’t be accounted as correct. We do not know who, where and how got this or that picture. I talk to people who are worth to trust – they told it was really great looses of Ukrainian army in Southern pocket. This is why I keep this vid as correct. And on the vid was self-propelled howitzer with noticeable painting and mark “dead head” on it. I saw this howitzer in line of Ukrainian troops before.

    @It suits you? So you are the "Bear with Nukes"?@
    Me personally – not. I told about my Nation.

    @Would it be a problem to you if Ukraine acts like Russia in Chechnya?@
    Current Ukrainians love to jump and call hang and stab Russians – so this is one of the main reason I personally want all former Ukraine to be neutralized, all Ukrainian Russophobes –to be killed. And I see no any analog with Checnya. Cechenian killed several dozen of thousand of non-Chechenians before first war was started. They killed with fantasy and fun - not only trivial beheading but bowels on a fence and so on. This is the way real terrorists look like. In Ukraine group of Ukrainians (mostly from western regions) captured authority via force riot, then named their political opponents “terrorists” and begun to kill them with artillery and aviation. At first average people of Donbass wanted to save economical ties with Russia, to talk Russian and teach their children on Russian and so on. It was no violence there. There were captured administrative and militia’s buildings – but rioters on the West of Ukraine did the same a lot of times.

  9. whoever started this monkey idiocy, the misspelling of Putin's name in a derogatory way and the Bear with a nuke bullshit needs to stop, and with a quickness.

    insults based on nationality, heritage, race, etc...will not be tolerated. you will be warned only once.

  10. Is it threw what the Ukrainians say, that no matter how you'll try to assemble it, a med kit received from this relief transport will only turn into an 30 mm mortar? Or that every one of these trucks has some 100 well armed drivers? A small joke, not funny for those involved there I think.
    Man, don't try to sugarcoat it now. You don't need a justification to go in Ukraine, the play is set, so are the actors. Sure, there is history behind this animosity between Russians and Ukrainians but a lot of people in the Eastern Europe hate you, and for good reason, because they fear past experiences with Russia.
    A bear with nukes? Come on, stop it, if the bear goes on a rampage it will die, so the rest of the fucking world. I hope the guys in charge of these nukes don't think about your arsenal as more than sticks and carrots.
    They haven't reached a settlement yet. As Sol is pointing out these days, the world is in turmoil, with several open battlefields, all over. The question is if Putin has a plan, like everyone suspects, if he is still that cold blooded cool headed mastermind or he has lost it and is driven by something else then wisdom and planning. Hope not for the latter.


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