Friday, August 08, 2014

Three proposed uniform changes

Read about it here...

The last time the Marine Corps did one of these surveys, it was about whether or not to stop rolling sleeves.  Marines wanted to continue rolling sleeves, Amos said no--we're going Army---and it took 3 years for the decision to finally reflect Marine Corps tradition.

One thing that has me curious.  Why are uniforms designed to provide concealment suddenly turned into a seasonal item?  If you're stationed at 29 Palms does it ever make sense to wear tropical camo?  If you're in Okinawa during the Summer does it make sense to wear desert?


  1. The "crowd sourcing" of decisions is a sign of the times and is indicative of a leadership vacuum. My assistant and I argued about this last week, as she wanted to get advice via our Facebook followers on a pending business decision, to which I replied that, we will never please everyone, so why ask, and if your customers/guest make all of your decision, then what is our purpose as leaders? Wouldn't we just be there to police the will of the masses. I hate this trend and miss the days when people could make decision and own they results.

    1. thats a better way to look at it and i agree with you. i saw it as just another form of arrogance thats sweeping our country. i'll never understand the "selfie" craze and the idea that guys are doing it has me punching walls. i saw the lets ask facebook thing as another "look at me" type thing.

    2. yeah, but don't good organizations and leaders keep their fingers on the pulse of customers/clients?

      Still, using Social media creates opportunity for non-response bias aka people not giving a shit and not responding. It is lazy leadership

    3. Social media is good, but what will these surveys help with? Will they improve anything inside the corps? And why is this being asked in social media when this kind of stuff defines the sucess of your troops and should be purely a technical decision?

      Off topic:
      Donetsk prime-minister renounced and a Mig-29 was shot down.

  2. Paralus, yes they do, but their Marines/employees should not see them doing, they should be pay attention to all of the details or find a good Corporal type to keep them abreast of the morale and expectations of their team.

    I believe the surveys actually erode at the leadership mythology, every rank has their purpose and their areas of responsibility, while everyone should prepare themselves for their next evolution, it is your duty to focus on the task assigned to your rank/position, until you are instructed or required by circumstance to act otherwise. This sets the leadership up to fail by suggesting that a private or 2nd Lt. has the opportunity to influence a decision only to find their ideas/wishes were trumped at a higher level. Now all you have is a disappointed/disfranchised subordinate force with something else to upset about

    1. No, it makes no sense to switch uniforms based on season. I thought that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard, next to not rolling the sleeves. If you're forward deployed or stationed anywhere where green is the primary color...wear woodland. If the predominant colors are tans and browns, wear frikin desert cammies. I like officers wearing shiny, and enlisted wearing subdued/black. Makes sense. Oh, and the social media bs with our military, yeah, that can go away for the most part. Post cool pictures for the kids and taxpayers, but get rid of stupid stuff like this.

    2. "I like officers wearing shiny"
      So do enemy snipers

  3. Gold fucking chevrons? Are you fucking kidding me? What pog jackass thought that was a good fucking idea

  4. The seasonal uniform changes came about once they started issuing both patterns. We switch uniforms by season to even out the wear, so you don't have three worn out sets of woodland in the closet next to brand new, never worn deserts. For 90% of Marines, camo doesn't make a difference because they are in garrison anyway.
    The gold chevrons are just stupid.

    1. John
      Maybe they should be issued with Base Camo?

      A seasonal change to even out the wear on two sets of unsuitable uniforms is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've heard in the last 30 seconds.
      It would be longer normally, but the girlfriend and her mother are talking loudly in the next room

    2. Hey, wasn't my idea. You're calling the USMC MARPAT "unsuitable"? Why?


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